伊利亚 & 艾米利亚·卡巴科夫 | 常青画廊
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ILYA & EMILIA KABAKOV, exhibition view, 常青画廊, 圣吉米那诺, May 2016, Photo Ela Bialkowska

ILYA & EMILIA KABAKOV, exhibition view, 常青画廊, 圣吉米那诺, May 2016, Photo Ela Bialkowska

ILYA & EMILIA KABAKOV, exhibition view, 常青画廊, 圣吉米那诺, May 2016, Photo Ela Bialkowska

ILYA & EMILIA KABAKOV, exhibition view, 常青画廊, 圣吉米那诺, May 2016, Photo Ela Bialkowska

ILYA & EMILIA KABAKOV, exhibition view, 常青画廊, 圣吉米那诺, May 2016, Photo Ela Bialkowska

ILYA & EMILIA KABAKOV, exhibition view, 常青画廊, 圣吉米那诺, May 2016, Photo Ela Bialkowska

The Arch of Life, 2015, 5 Fiberglass sculptures, wood, installation, variable dimensions, Photo Ela Bialkowska

The Arch of Life, 2015, 5 Fiberglass sculptures, wood, installation, variable dimensions, Photo Ela Bialkowska

The Arch of Life, 2015, 5 Fiberglass sculptures, wood, installation, variable dimensions, Photo Ela Bialkowska

The Arch of Life, 2015, 5 Fiberglass sculptures, wood, installation, variable dimensions, Photo Ela Bialkowska

The Tribune, 2011, mixed materials, installation, variable dimension, Photo Ela Bialkowska

The Tribune, 2011, mixed materials, installation, variable dimension, Photo Ela Bialkowska

The Tribune, 2011, mixed materials, installation, variable dimension, Photo Ela Bialkowska

How Can One Change Oneself, 2010, wings, mixed media, installation, variable dimensions, Photo Ela Bialkowska

How Can One Change Oneself, 2010, wings, mixed media, installation, variable dimensions, Photo Ela Bialkowska

How Can One Change Oneself, 2010, wings, mixed media, installation, variable dimensions, Photo Ela Bialkowska

The Paradise under the ceiling, 1997-2009, room with door, 2 wooden shelf 90°, 8 lamps, plastic animals, 300 x 420 x 250 cm, Photo Ela Bialkowska

The Paradise under the ceiling, 1997-2009, room with door, 2 wooden shelf 90°, 8 lamps, plastic animals, 300 x 420 x 250 cm, Photo Ela Bialkowska

The Paradise under the ceiling, 1997-2009, room with door, 2 wooden shelf 90°, 8 lamps, plastic animals, 300 x 420 x 250 cm, Photo Ela Bialkowska

The Paradise under the ceiling, 1997-2009, room with door, 2 wooden shelf 90°, 8 lamps, plastic animals, 300 x 420 x 250 cm, Photo Ela Bialkowska

Untitled, 2004, drawing, 33 x 24 cm, Photo Ela Bialkowska

The Fallen Angel, 1997-2004, painted fiberglass figure, wings and cloth, 255 x 415 x 350 cm, Photo Ela Bialkowska

The Fallen Angel, 1997-2004, painted fiberglass figure, wings and cloth, 255 x 415 x 350 cm, Photo Ela Bialkowska

The Fallen Angel, 1997-2004, painted fiberglass figure, wings and cloth, 255 x 415 x 350 cm, Photo Ela Bialkowska

I. Spivak: In the Village 1997 (2004), 2004, oil on canvas, 282 x 188 cm

We are also weary, 2003, plastic flies on wall, variable dimensions, Photo Ela Bialkowska

We are also weary, 2003, plastic flies on wall, variable dimensions, Photo Ela Bialkowska

We are also weary, 2003, plastic flies on wall, variable dimensions, Photo Ela Bialkowska

Romeo e Giulietta, 2001, wood and wire, 190 x 30 x 40 cm, Photo Ela Bialkowska

Romeo e Giulietta, 2001, wood and wire, 190 x 30 x 40 cm, Photo Attilio Maranzano

Romeo e Giulietta, 2001, wood and wire, 190 x 30 x 40 cm, Photo Attilio Maranzano

CHARLES ROSENTHAL 1913 Pianista e Musa, 2001, glazed ceramic on wood base, sculpture cm 21 x 61 x 36,5 ; base cm 113 x 77 x 50, Photo Daniel Moulinet

CHARLES ROSENTHAL 1913 Pianista e Musa, 2001, glazed ceramic on wood base, sculpture cm 21 x 61 x 36,5 ; base cm 113 x 77 x 50, Photo Daniel Moulinet

The rest before the road, 2001, wood, P.V.C., rope, m 4,5 x 5 x diam.120, Photo Attilio Maranzano

Tennis Game Conversazione fra Ilya Kabakov e Boris Groys, 1999-2001, installation mixed media, 1200 x 2000 cm, Photo Attilio Maranzano

Tennis Game Conversazione fra Ilya Kabakov e Boris Groys, 1999-2001, installation mixed media, 1200 x 2000 cm, Photo Attilio Maranzano

Tennis Game Conversazione fra Ilya Kabakov e Boris Groys, 1999-2001, installation mixed media, 1200 x 2000 cm, Photo Attilio Maranzano

Tennis Game Conversazione fra Ilya Kabakov e Boris Groys, 1999-2001, installation mixed media, 1200 x 2000 cm, Photo Attilio Maranzano

Tennis Game Conversazione fra Ilya Kabakov e Boris Groys, 1999-2001, installation mixed media, 1200 x 2000 cm, Photo Attilio Maranzano