乔纳塔斯·德·安德雷德 | 常青画廊
Galleria Continua

exhibition view 常青画廊 / 圣吉米那诺, Ph Ela Bialkowska, OKNO Studio

exhibition view 常青画廊 / 圣吉米那诺, Ph Ela Bialkowska, OKNO Studio

Eu, mestiço / Me, mestizo Project, 2017, UV print on Falconboard 16 mm,  variable dimensions

Eu, mestiço / Me, mestizo Project, 2017, UV print on Falconboard 16 mm,  variable dimensions

Eu, mestiço / Me, mestizo Project, 2017, UV print on Falconboard 16 mm,  variable dimensions

Eu, mestiço / Me, mestizo Project, 2017, UV print on Falconboard 16 mm,  variable dimensions

Eu, mestiço / Me, mestizo Project, 2017, UV print on Falconboard 16 mm,  variable dimensions

Eu, mestiço / Me, mestizo Project, 2017, UV print on Falconboard 16 mm,  variable dimensions

Eu, mestiço / Me, mestizo Project, 2017, UV print on Falconboard 16 mm,  variable dimensions

Eu, mestiço / Me, mestizo Project, 2017, UV print on Falconboard 16 mm,  variable dimensions

Eu, mestiço / Me, mestizo Project, 2017, UV print on Falconboard 16 mm,  variable dimensions

O espírito das águas / The water spirits, 2017, stampe a getto d'inchiostro pigmentato su carta fotografica Hahnemunle Fine Art Rag Baryta 215g, 63 x 100 cm ciascuna, 2017, pigmented inkjet prints on Hahnemunle Fine Art Photo Rag Baryta 215g paper, 63 x 100 cm each, Photo Ela Bialkowska, OKNO studio

O espírito das águas / The water spirits, 2017, stampe a getto d'inchiostro pigmentato su carta fotografica Hahnemunle Fine Art Rag Baryta 215g, 63 x 100 cm ciascuna, 2017, pigmented inkjet prints on Hahnemunle Fine Art Photo Rag Baryta 215g paper, 63 x 100 cm each, Photo Ela Bialkowska, OKNO studio

O espírito das águas / The water spirits, 2017, stampe a getto d'inchiostro pigmentato su carta fotografica Hahnemunle Fine Art Rag Baryta 215g, 63 x 100 cm ciascuna, 2017, pigmented inkjet prints on Hahnemunle Fine Art Photo Rag Baryta 215g paper, 63 x 100 cm each, Photo Ela Bialkowska, OKNO studio

O espírito das águas / The water spirits, 2017, stampe a getto d'inchiostro pigmentato su carta fotografica Hahnemunle Fine Art Rag Baryta 215g, 63 x 100 cm ciascuna, 2017, pigmented inkjet prints on Hahnemunle Fine Art Photo Rag Baryta 215g paper, 63 x 100 cm each, Photo Ela Bialkowska, OKNO studio

O espírito das águas / The water spirits, 2017, stampe a getto d'inchiostro pigmentato su carta fotografica Hahnemunle Fine Art Rag Baryta 215g, 63 x 100 cm ciascuna, 2017, pigmented inkjet prints on Hahnemunle Fine Art Photo Rag Baryta 215g paper, 63 x 100 cm each, Photo Ela Bialkowska, OKNO studio

O espírito das águas / The water spirits 1, 2017
stampa a getto d'inchiostro pigmentato su carta fotografica Hahnemunle Fine Art Rag Baryta 215g, pigmented inkjet print on Hahnemunle Fine Art Photo Rag Baryta 215g paper
63 x 100 cm

O espírito das águas / The water spirits 2, 2017
stampa a getto d'inchiostro pigmentato su carta fotografica Hahnemunle Fine Art Rag Baryta 215g, pigmented inkjet print on Hahnemunle Fine Art Photo Rag Baryta 215g paper
63 x 100 cm

O espírito das águas / The water spirits 3, 2017
stampa a getto d'inchiostro pigmentato su carta fotografica Hahnemunle Fine Art Rag Baryta 215g, pigmented inkjet print on Hahnemunle Fine Art Photo Rag Baryta 215g paper
63 x 100 cm

O espírito das águas / The water spirits 4, 2017
stampa a getto d'inchiostro pigmentato su carta fotografica Hahnemunle Fine Art Rag Baryta 215g, pigmented inkjet print on Hahnemunle Fine Art Photo Rag Baryta 215g paper
63 x 100 cm

O espírito das águas / The water spirits 5, 2017
stampa a getto d'inchiostro pigmentato su carta fotografica Hahnemunle Fine Art Rag Baryta 215g, pigmented inkjet print on Hahnemunle Fine Art Photo Rag Baryta 215g paper
63 x 100 cm

O espírito das águas / The water spirits 6, 2017
stampa a getto d'inchiostro pigmentato su carta fotografica Hahnemunle Fine Art Rag Baryta 215g, pigmented inkjet print on Hahnemunle Fine Art Photo Rag Baryta 215g paper
63 x 100 cm

O espírito das águas / The water spirits 6, 2017
stampa a getto d'inchiostro pigmentato su carta fotografica Hahnemunle Fine Art Rag Baryta 215g, pigmented inkjet print on Hahnemunle Fine Art Photo Rag Baryta 215g paper
63 x 100 cm, Photo Ela Bialkowska, OKNO studio

O espírito das águas / The water spirits 7, 2017
stampa a getto d'inchiostro pigmentato su carta fotografica Hahnemunle Fine Art Rag Baryta 215g, pigmented inkjet print on Hahnemunle Fine Art Photo Rag Baryta 215g paper
63 x 100 cm

O Peixe
The fish, 2016
16mm trasferito a 2k, 2016
16mm transferred to 2k, Photo Ela Bialkowska, OKNO studio