陈箴(Chen Zhen),1955年出生于上海,在文化大革命期间成长于旧法租界的一个讲法语的医学家庭。很小的时候,他便对传统中国哲学与西方文化之间的联系产生了兴趣。他在1973年进入上海美术工艺学校学习,并于1976年开始任教,后来于1978年进入上海戏剧学院,专攻舞台设计,并于1982年成为教授。


1986年,陈箴来到法国继续艺术学习,经历了文化冲击。他放下了绘画,专注于装置艺术。他在巴黎的国立美术学院(Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts)学习,并于1989年在高等美术研究院(Institut des Hautes Études en Arts Plastiques)学习,1993年成为助理教授。他的工作随后发展为跨文化的思想流派,这一概念被艺术家称为“Transexpérience”,基于人类、消费社会与自然之间的关系。


陈箴于2000年12月13日去世。他的开明态度和作品的质量赢得了广泛的国际认可。他的作品在全球范围内展出,并在多个重要博物馆和机构举办了个展回顾:2001年伦敦蛇形画廊;2002年雅典国家当代艺术博物馆和波士顿ICA;2003年纽约P.S.1当代艺术中心和巴黎东京宫;2007年维也纳Kunsthalle;2008年罗维雷托MART;2015年上海Rockbund艺术博物馆;2020年米兰Pirelli HangarBicocca。

在1990年至2000年间,他获得了法国和美国艺术机构的六个资助,并参加了以下重要展览:1992年格勒诺布尔Le Magasin – CNAC的《陈箴于Magasin》;1994年乌得勒支中央博物馆的《忏悔之光》;1994年纽约新博物馆的《废弃之地》;1995年日内瓦联合国宫的《和平对话》;1997年波士顿ICA的《土地上的安静:日常生活、当代艺术与谢克教徒》;1997年纽约P.S.1艺术中心的《艺术家项目》,该展览为P.S.1博物馆的重新开放展;1998年特拉维夫博物馆的《绝场/每个人五十笔》;1999年路易斯安那现代艺术博物馆的《城市在移动》中;2000年都灵GAM的《陈箴,黑魔法的赞美》。







Visiting professor at CCA, center for Contemporary Art, Kitakyushu, Japan.



Teacher at the École nationale des beaux-arts, Nancy, France.



Assistant professor at the Institut des Hautes Études en arts plastiques, Paris.



Visiting artist-teacher at the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts, Paris.



Insitut des hautes études en arts plastiques, Paris.



École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris



Professor of Shanghai Drama Institute. 



Shanghai Drama Institute, speciality: set design. 



Professor of Shanghai Fine Arts and Crafts School. 



Shanghai School of Fine Arts and Crafts.





Double Exil, Galleria Continua, Paris, FR



Résonances, Musée Cernuschi, Paris, FR



Short-circuits, curated by Vicente Todolì, Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan, IT



Chen Zhen, Galleria Continua, Havana, CU



Chen Zhen. Jardin-Lavoir, Galleria Continua, Les Moulins, Boissy-le-Châtel, FR



Chen Zhen, Frith Street Gallery, in collaboration with Galleria Continua, London, GB

Chen Zhen: Without going to New York and Paris, life could be internationalized, curated by Hou Hanru, Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai, CN

Chen Zhen. Accrochage spécial, Galleria Continua, Les Moulins, Boissy-le-Châtel, FR



Chen Zhen. In-Between, BlueProject Foundation, Barcelona, ES

Purification Room, Le Centquatre, Paris, FR

Chen Zhen. Fragments d’éternitécurated by Galleria Continua, Galerie Perrotin, Paris, FR



Chen Zhen, Même lit, rêves différents, Faurschou Foundation, Beijing, CN



Chen Zhen, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong, CN

Chen Zhen. Les pas silencieux, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT



Chen Zhen, Musée Guimet, Paris, FR

Purification Room, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT

La Digestion Perpetuelle, Musée Léon-Dierx, Saint-Denis, La Réunion, FR



Chen Zhen. Il corpo come paesaggio, curated by Gerald Matt and Ilse Lafer, Mart - Museo d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Rovereto, IT



Chen Zhen. Der Körper als Landschaft, curated by Gerald Matt, Kunsthalle Wien, Wien, AT

Jardin mémorable, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT



Chen Zhen, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, CN

Merging of East and West. The Installations of Chen Zhen, Sturgis Library Gallery, Kennesaw State University, New York, US



Transexpériences, Galleria Continua, Beijing, CN



Prayer Wheel – “Money Makes the Mare Go” (Chinese Slang), Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IIT

Une soirée en l’honneur de Chen Zhen, Académie de France à Rome – Villa Medici, Rome, IT

Chen Zhen. Dancing Body – Drumming Mind, GEM-Museum voor Actuele Kunst, The Hague, NL



Chen Zhen. Silence sonore, curated by Jérôme Sans, Palais de Tokyo, Site de création contemporaine, Paris, FR

Chen Zhen, Le Festival d’automne à Paris, 32nd edition, Espace Topographie de l’Art, Paris, FR

Résidence-Résonance-Résistance, curated by Maïté Vissault, Westfälisches Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Münster, DE

Chen Zhen. Un artista fra Oriente e Occidente, curated by Jean-Hubert Martin, PAC - Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea, Milan, IT

Chen Zhen: a Tribute, organised by Antoine Guerrero, P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, New York, US



Chen Zhen. Inner Body Landscapes, curated by Gilbert Vicario, ICA – Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, US

Résidence-Résonance-Résistance, curated by Alain Julien-Laferrière, CCC – Centre de création contemporaine, Tours, FR

Chen Zhen. Metaphors of the Body, curated by Anna Kafetsi, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, GR



Chen Zhen. Le Produit naturel / Le Produit artificiel, Castello di Ama, Gaiole in Chianti, IT

In memoriam. Chen Zhen. 1955-2000, Galerie Krinzinger, Wien, AT

Omaggio a Chen Zhen, L’Arte per la Città per l’Arte, 3a Rassegna d’Arte Contemporanea, Fortino di Sant’Antonio, Bari, IT

Chen Zhen, curated by Lisa G. Corrin, Serpentine Gallery, London, GB

Chen Zhen, Maison portable, Art & Public, Geneva, CH



The Ritual Music – Daily Incantations, curated by Emma Lavigne, Cité de la musique, Paris, FR

Field of Sinergy, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT

Six Roots, curated by Želimir Koščević, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, HR

Chen Zhen, Elogio della Magia Nera – In Praise of Black Magic – Éloge de la Magie Noire, curated by Alessandra Pace, GAM – Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Turin, IT

Jardin-Lavoir, curated by Jackie-Ruth Meyer and Jean-Claude Lattès, Cimaise & Portique – Centre départemental d’art contemporain, Albi, FR

Nightly Imprecations, Art & Public, Geneva, CH



Chen Zhen, Entre thérapie et méditation, ADDC, Association Départementale de Développement Culturel - Espace culturel François Mitterrand, Périgueux, FR



Chen Zhen, Entre thérapie et méditation, Galerie Ghislaine Hussenot, Paris, FR

Jue Chang / Fifty Strokes to Each, curated by Nehama Guralnink, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Helena Rubinstein Pavilion for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv, IL



Fu Dao / Fu Dao, Upside-down Buddha – Arrival at Good Fortune, CCA – Center for Contemporary Art, Kitakyushu, JP



Chen Zhen, CIAC - Centre international d’art contemporain, Montreal, CA

La Digestion perpétuelle, curated by François Cheval and Colette Léonard, Musée Léon- Dierx, Saint-Denis, La Réunion,  FR

Daily Incantations, Deitch Projects, New York, US



No Way to Sky, No Door to Earth, Jean Bernier Gallery, Athens, GR

Field of PurificationGalerie Ghislaine Hussenot, Paris, FR



Chen Zhen, curated by Jérôme Sans, École nationale d’art, Nancy, FR

Field of Waste, curated by France Morin, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, US



Light of Confession, Centraal Museum, Utrecht, NL

The Fire – Water as PurificationDany Keller Galerie, Munich, DE

La Maison de "l’autel"Lumen Travo Gallery, Amsterdam, NL

Polymorphie, Galerie Michel Rein, Tours, FR



Éruption future, organised by Hélène Valentin, Arts 04, Centre d’art contemporain de Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, FR

Chen Zhen au Magasin, Le Magasin – CNAC, Centre National d’Art Contemporain, Grenoble, FR

Objets illuminés la nuit, Galleria Vivita, Florence, T

La Porte de re-naissance, Espace des arts, Colomiers, FR



Natur und Objekt – Ready-Made Mumifikation, Dany Keller Galerie, Munich, DE

Chen Zhen, ENSBA - École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, FR

Chen Zhen, Galleria Valentina Moncada, Rome, IT



Chen Zhen, organized by Hangar 028 in collaboration with the Musée départemental des Vosges, Espace Cour de mai, Paris, FR



Hôtel des Sociétés, Verdun, FR



Drama Institute Gallery, Shanghai, CN







Icônes,  curated by Emma Lavigne, Palazzo Grassi — Punta della Dogana, Venice, IT

Contemporary Art & Sculpture Park, Bechyne Castle, Bechyne, CZ 

Tensione Continua, Gallera Continua, San Gimignano, IT

J’ai une famille. 10 artistes de l’avant-garde chinoise installés en France,  curated by Hou Hanru, Evelyne Jouanno, Isabelle Renard, Musée de l'histoire de l'immigration - Porte Dorée, Paris, FR

Giorni Felici?, curated by Agata Polizzi, ZACentrale, Palermo, IT

A Story of a Merchant, curated by X Zhu-Nowell and Chao Jiaxing, kurimanzutto Gallery, Mexico City, MX

START - Start Museum Inaugural Exhibition, Start Museum, Shanghai, CN



OPERA OPERA. Allegro ma non troppo, PalaisPopulaire, Berlin, DE

Geometria delle forme, Galleria Continua, Rome, IT

Start. Inaugural exhibition season one, Start Museum, Shanghai, CN 

Being In the World: The Tenth Anniversary of the Long Museum, Long Museum, Shanghai, CN



Corpus Domini. Dal corpo glorioso alle rovine dell'anima, Palazzo Reale, Milan, IT

Intersections by Susana Pilar, Galleria Continua, Les Moulins, FR

Panorama, curated by Vincenzo de Bellis, a project by Italics, Procida, IT

À bras ouverts, Galleria Continua, Paris, FR



Shanghai Waves: Historical Archives and Works of Shanghai Biennale, curated by Power Station of Art, Power Station of Art, Shanghai, CN

2020 +curated by Yan Shijie, Red Brick Art Museum, Beijing, CN

Fantastic Utopias, curated by Ilaria Bonacossa, Ala Scaligera, Rocca di Angera, IT

The Artist-Collector's Dream (A Nice Thing), created by Nedko Solakov, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT

The Allure of Matter: Material Art from ChinaSmart  Museum of Art, Chicago, US



Sublimi anatomie. Sensi e macchine per esplorare i corpiPalazzo delle Esposizioni, Roma, IT

Society Guidance: Part II, UCCA, Beijing, CN

The Allure of Matter: Material Art from China, Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), US

Eldorama, Tripostal, Lille, FR



International Contemporary Exhibition: Armenia 2018 (ICAE2018), Yerevan, AM

Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World,  curated by Alexandra Munroe, Philip Tinari and Hou Hanru, Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, ES, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, US

The Szechwan Tale. China, Theatre and History, FM Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea, Milan,  IT



Drawing as Art / Art as Drawing, curated by Joël Benzakin, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, CN

Art and China after 1989: Theather of the World, curated by Alexandra Munroe, Philip Tinari and Hou Hanru, Guggenheim Museum, New York, US

Inextricabilia. Enchevêtrements magiques, curated by Lucienne Peiry, Maison Rouge, Paris, FR

‘And what for example, am I now seeing?’(Autodisporsi), in collaboration with di Gropello Collection, Galleria Continua, Les Moulins, Boissy-le-Châtel, FR

Tous, des sang-mêlés, curated by Julie Crenn and Frank Lamy, MAC/VAL - Musée d'Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne, Vitry-sur-Seine, FR



Full MoonMuseum Voorlinden, Wassenaar, NL

Cuarteto, Galleria Continua, Havana, CU

Par tibi, Roma, nihil, curated by Raffaella Frascarelli, Palatino, Rome, IT

Quand fondra la neige où ira le blanc? Opere dalla collezione Enea Righi, curated by Eric Mézil and Lorenzo Paini, Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, IT

A History. Contemporary Art from the Centre Pompidou, Haus der Kunst, Munich, DE

Highlights Visions, Museo MAXXI, Museo Nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome, IT

Daniel Buren. A Fresco, BOZAR, Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, BE

The Pagad, curated by Rita Selvaggio, Galleria Massimo de Carlo, Milan, IT



Wax, Galleria Francesco Pantaleone, Palerme, IT

Follia Continua! 25 años de Galleria Continua, curated by Jorge Fernandez Torres, Centro Wifredo Lam, Havana, CU

L’Art et la Machine, curated by Claudine Cartier and Henry - Claude Cousseau, Musée des Confluences, Lyon, FR

Follia Continua! Les 25 ans de Galleria Continua, Le Centquatre, Paris, FR

Il manichino della storia: l’arte dopo le costruzioni della critica e della cultura, curated by Richard Milazzo, MATA - Ex Manifattura Tabacchi, Modena, IT

La Chine Ardente – Sculptures monumentales contemporaines, curated by Michel Baudson and Fan Di'an, Anciens Abattoir, Mons, BE

Global Imaginations, Museum De Lakenhal, Leidein, NL

A Republic of Art. French Regional Collections of Contemporary Art, curated by Annie Fletcher and Diana Franssen, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, NL



Lumières: carte blanche à Christian Lacroix, Musée Cognacq-Jay, Paris, FR

Food – Produire, Manger, Consommer, MuCEM – Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée, Marseille, FR

Intenzione manifesta. Il disegno in tutte le sue forme, curated by Beatrice Merz and Marianna Vecellio, Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Rivoli, IT

Shadow Dust and a Promise of Future - Ombra, polvere e una promessa di futuro, curated by Alessandro Romanini, Convento di San’Agostino, Pietrasanta, IT

Art Lovers: histoires d'art dans la collection Pinault, curated by Martin Bethenod, Grimaldi Forum, Monaco, DE

The Part in the Story Where a Part Becomes AaPart of Something Else, curated by Samuel Saelemakers and Heman Chong, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, NL

La disparition des lucioles, curated by Éric Mézil, Prison Sainte - Anne, Avignon, FR

Myth / History: Yuz Collection of Contemporary Art, curated by Wu Hung, Yuz Museum, Shanghai, CN

Globetrotters, Migrations, Musée Bernard d’Agesci, Niort, FR

Des hommes, des mondes, curated by Alain Berland, Collège des Bernardins, Paris, FR



Art at the Core: The Intersection of Visual Art, Performance & Technology, Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill New York, US

À triple tour. Collection Pinault, curated by Caroline Bourgeois, Conciergerie, Paris, FR

Pièces Montrées - Frac Alsace, 30 ans de collection. La Collection impossible, curated by Roland Recht, Fondation Fernet-Branca, Saint-Louis, FR

Donation Florence et Daniel Guerlain, curated by Jonas Storsve, Musée National d'Art Moderne - Centre de Création Industrielle, Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR

Pièces montrées - Frac Alsace, 30 Ans de Collection. Forme et Forces, curated by Raphaël Zarka, Musée d'Art moderne et contemporain, Strasbourg, FR

The red queen, MONA - Museum of Old and New Art, Hobart, AU

Chen Zhen and Leonilson: Obhects for Mending, curated by Matthew Gale and Valentina Ravaglia, Tate Modern, London, GB

Art Unlimited, Art Basel, MCH Swiss Exhibition, Basel, CH

Le Pont. A Journey between Adventure and Memories, curated by Thierry Ollat, MAC – Musée d’art contemporain, Marseille, FR

China China, curated by Björn Geldhof, PinchukArtCentre, Kiev, UA

Émoi & moi, curated by Frank Lamy, MAC/VAL - Musée d'Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne, Vitry-sur Seine, FR



Electric Fields: Surrealism and Beyond. La Collection du Centre Pompidou, curated by Didier Ottinger, Power Station of Art, Shanghai, CN

La magnifica ossessione, Mart - Museo d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Rovereto, IT

The Far and the Near, Tate St. Ives, St Ives, GB

Tout feu, tout flamme, curated by Daniel Abadie, Tornabuoni Art, Paris, FR

Art of Change. New Directions from China, curated by Stephanie Rosenthal, Hayward Gallery, GB

Extra Large. Œuvres monumentales de la collection du Centre Pompidou à Monaco, curated by Alfred Paquement and Ariane Coulondre, Grimaldi Forum, Monaco, DE

Shanghai! La tentation de l’Occident, curated by Ashok Adicéam, Institut Culturel Bernard Magrez, Bordeaux, FR

Tecnica mista. Com’ è fatta l'arte del Novecento, curated by Marina Pugliese, Museo del Novecento - Spazio mostre, Milan, IT



J'ai deux amoursUne présentation des collections d'art contemporain
 de la Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration, curated by Hou Hanru, Evelyne Jouanno and Isabelle Renard, Paris, FR

L'Etoffe du temps, curated by Ashok Adicéam, Institut Culturel Bernard Magrez, Bordeaux, FR

Valentina Moncada. Odissea contemporanea, curated by Gianluca Marziani, Palazzo Collicola, Arti Visive, Spoleto, IT

TRA. Edge of Becoming, Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, IT

Elogio del Dubbio / Éloge du doute / In Praise of Doubt, curated by Caroline Bourgeois, Punta della Dogana, Venezia, IT

A Sense of Perspective, curated by Young Tate, Tate Liverpool, Liverpool, GB

Tracing the Milky Way, curated by Jérôme Sans, Tang Gallery, Beijing, CN

Repères – 10 Ans, Espace Topographie de l’art, Paris, FR

L’Odyssée de l’Espace 1989/2011, Centre d’art de Colomiers, Colomiers, FR



Lo spazio del sacro, curated by Marco Pierini, Galleria Civica - Palazzina del Giardino Ducale, Modena, IT

Panorama. Artists of the gallery / Selected works, Galerie Michel Rein, Paris, FR

Director's Choice, ARKEN Museum of Modern Art, Ishøj, DK

Larger than life - Stranger than fiction, 11t. Triennale Kleinplastik Fellbach, curated by Ulrike Groos and Heike van den Valentyn, Alte Kelter, Fellbach, DE

Spazio. Dalle collezioni di arte e architettura del MAXXI, Museo MAXXI, Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome, IT

Le jardin emprunté, curated by Solange Auzias de Turenne and Ami Barak, Jardins du Palais Royal, Paris, FR

Linguaggi e Sperimentazioni, Giovani artisti in una collezione contemporanea, curated by Giorgio Verzotti, Mart Museo d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Rovereto, IT

Shanghai World Expo, France Pavilion, Shanghai, CN

Tendenze e controtendenze 2010. Opere della collezione permanente, curated by Gabriella Belli, Mart - Museo d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Rovereto, IT

Zeichnucht 2010 - Von Nader Ahriman bis Chen Zhen, Galerie Krinzinger, Wien, AT

Che cosa sono le nuvole? Opere dalla collezione Enea Righi, curated by Éric Mézil and Letizia Ragaglia, Museion, Bolzano, IT

Keep your seat: Stai al tuo posto, curated by Danilo Eccher and Maria Cristina Didero, GAM - Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Turin, IT



Green from Scratch, Shenzhen Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale, Yitian Holiday Plaza, Shenzhen, CN

Aspekte des Sammelns (Aspects of Collecting), Essl Museum Kunst der Gegenwart, Wien, AT

Deadline, curated by Odile Burluraux, Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, FR

Le Temps suspendu, Musée-Château Saint-Jean, Nogent-le-Rotrou, FR

Sammellust, Werke aus der Sammlung Finstral / Il piacere del collezionista, opere scelte dalla collezione Finstral, curated by Valerio Dehò, Merano Arte - edificio Cassa di Risparmio, Merano, IT

Def - Drafts establishing future, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, DE

Warm up, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, CN

Qui a peur des artistes? Une sélection d’œuvres de la François Pinault Foundation, curated by Caroline Bourgeois, Palais des arts, Dinard, FR

Fare Mondi / Making Worlds, 53° Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte, La Biennale di Venezia, curated by da Daniel Birnbaum, Giardini, Venice, IT

Glasstress, Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti - Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti, Venice, IT

Sphères 2008. Finissage, Galleria Continua, Les Moulins, Boissy-le-Châtel, FR

The China Project. Three Decades: the Contemporary Chinese Collection, Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, AU

Un certain état du monde? Sélection de la collection de la Fondation François Pinault, curated by Caroline Bourgeois, The Garage Center for Contemporary Culture, Moscow, RU

TILT, œuvre du Centre national des arts plastiques en région Centre, Musée de l'Objet - Collection d'art contemporain, Blois, FR



Une Histoire Partagée…, Cité internationale des arts, Paris, FR

Our Future: The Guy & Myriam Ullens Foundation Collection, curated by Jérôme Sans, Guo Xiaoyan and Kate Fowle, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, CN

Resilience, Galleria Continua, Le Moulin, Boissy-le-Châtel, FR



85 New Wave - the Birth of Chinese Contemporary Art, curated by Fei Dawei, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, CN

Anni Settanta. Il decennio lungo del secolo breve, curated by Gianni Canova, Triennale di Milano, Milan, IT

Ouverture, Galleria Continua, Le Moulin, Boissy-le-Châtel, FR

China Contemporary Art, la lunga marcia dell’Avanguardia, curated by Alberto de Simone and Emanuela Patella, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, Genoa, IT

Energies-Synergy, Foundation De Elf Lijnen, Oudenburg, BE

Percorsi privati, Lo sguardo di un collezionista da Balla a Chen Zhen, curated by Gabriella Belli and Alberto Fiz, Mart - Museo d'Arte Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Rovereto, IT

Mining Glass, curated by Juli Cho Bailer, Museum of Glass, Tacoma, US

Pensa con i sensi - senti con la mente. L’arte al presente52a Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte, La Biennale di Venezia, curated by Robert Storr , Padiglione Italia, Venice, IT

Expats / Clandestines, WIELS - Contemporary Art Centre, Brussels, BE

Wind from the East, Perspectives on Asian Contemporary Art, curated by Tuula Karjalainen and Marja Sakari, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, FI

Paris du monde entier, artistes étrangers à Paris 1900-2005, exhibition organized by centre Pompidou, National Art Center, Tokyo, JP



Museo Museo Museo 1998-2006. Duecentocinquanta nuove opere per la GAM, Torino esposizioni, Turin, IT

L’homme Paysage, curated by Jeannette Zwingenberger and Alain Tapié, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Lille, FR

Into Me / Out Of Me, curated by Klaus Biesenbach, P.S.1, Contemporary Art Center, New York, 25 June – 25 September; Kunst-Werke, Berlin, DE; MACRO - Museo d'Arte Contemporanea di Roma al Mattatoio, Rome, IT

Collectors 1, curated by Andrea Busto, Il Filatoio, Caraglio, IT

La Force de l’art, Laboratoire pour un avenir incertain, curated by Hou Hanru, Grand Palais, Paris, FR

Profils, 15 ans de création artistique - Œuvres des collections du FNAC et des Frac, Pera Museum, Istanbul, TR; Benaki Museum, Athens, GR

Ecce Uomo, curated by Gemma De Angelis Testa and Sergio Risaliti, Spazio Oberdan, Milan, IT



The Five Rings, curated by Mimmo Di Marzio, Forte di Exilles, Exilles, IT

Lichtkunst aus Kunstlicht, curated by Peter Weibel and Gregor Jansen, ZKM-Museum Für Neue Kunst, Karlsruhe, DE

Beyond: an extraordinary space of experimentation for modernization, second Guangzhou Triennial, curated by Hou Hanru, Hans Ulrich Obrist and Guo Xiaoyan, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, CN

Home Sweet Home. Architectures nomades confiées à des artistes pendant 365 jours, CCC - Centre de Création Contemporain, Tours, FR

War is over 1945-2005 la libertà dell'arte da Picasso a Warhol a Cattelan, curated by Giacinto Di Pietrantonio and Cristina Rodeschini Galati, echibition organized by GAMeC – Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bergamo, Palazzo della Ragione, Bergamo, IT

Donna Donne. Uno sguardo sul femminile nell’arte contemporanea, curated by Adelina von Fürstenberg, xhibition organized by ART for The World and Firenze Mostre, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, IT

Senza confine (15th year), Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT

Art Circus – Jumping from Ordinary, 2nd Yokohama Triennale, curated by Tadashi Kawamata, Yamashita Pier, Yokohama, JP

Byo. Bring Your Own. Il MAN presenta opere dalla collezione Teseco, MAN-Museo d'Arte provincia di Nuoro, Nuoro, IT

In-formation: Collections sans Frontières IV, Galeria Jána Koniarka v Trnave, Trnava, SK

Les Visiteurs: Œuvres d'aujourd'hui dans 20 monuments nationaux, Collection du Fonds national d'art contemporain, Château d’Angers, Angers, FR

Montpellier/Chine: MC1, 1re Biennale internationale d’art contemporain chinois de Montpellier, curated by José Frèches, Chapelle de la Miséricorde, Montpellier, FR

Identità e nomadismo, Palazzo delle Papesse - Centro Arte Contemporanea, Siena, IT

Manmano, Galleria Continua, Beijing, Beijing, CN

Vrednosti / Valeurs / Values, 11e Biennale de Pančevo en Serbie et à Périgueux, curated by Igor Antic, ADDC, Association Départementale de  Developpement Culturel - Espace culturel Francois Mitterrand, Périgueux, FR

Theorema. Une collection privée en Italie. La collection d’Enea Righi, Collection Lambert Avignon, FR



The Nature Machine. Contemporary Art, Nature + Technology, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, AU

Somewhere Everywhere Nowhere – Collections sans Frontières III, Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh, GB

Genova 2004. Un ateneo europeo per la capitale della cultura, biomedicina e salute: itinerari di conoscenza nell’ateneo genovese, Loggia dei Mercanti, Genoa, IT

Ipermercati dell’arte. Il consumismo rappresentato, curated by Omar Calabrese, Palazzo Pubblico, Magazzini del Sale, Siena, IT

De leur temps, French Private Collections, curated by Évelyne-Dorothée Allemand and Michel Poitevin, exhibition organized in partnership with ADIAF, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tourcoing, FR

Odyssey(S) 2004, curated by Martina Köppel-Yang, Shanghai Gallery of Art, Shanghai, CN

Conversation, curated by Laurence Le Cieux, Musée Léon-Dierx, Saint-Denis, La Réunion, FR

OPENASIA 2004, The East Meets the West, 7th International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, curated by Chang Tsong-Zung, Hôtel Des Bains, Venice Lido, IT

De Humana proportione, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT

Monument to now. The Dakis Joannou Collection, DESTE Foundation for Contemporary Art, Neo Psychico and Nea Ionia, Athens, GR

Symbolic Space, Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill, New York, US

Vrednosti / Valeurs / Values, 11th Biennial of Visual Art, curated by Svetlana Mladenov and Igor Antić, Gallery of Contemporary Art Pančevo, SRB

La bellesa del fracàs / el fracàs de la bellesa, La belleza del fracaso / el fracaso de la belleza, The Beauty of Failure / the Failure of Beauty, curated by Harald Szeemann, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, ES

A secret History of Clay: from Gauguin to Gormley, Tate Liverpool, Liverpool, GB

All under heaven. Ancient and contemporary Chinese Art - An Exhibition of the Collection of the Guy & Miriam Ullens Foundation, MuHKA - Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen, BE



Catastrofi Minime, curated by Fernando Castro, Saretto Cincinelli and Cristina Collu, MAN - Museo d'arte provincia di Nuoro, IT

Réalités – Collections sans Frontières II, Galerie Zacheta, Warsaw, PL

Microutopíascurated by Jean-Louis Maubant and Francisco Jarauta, in La ciudad idéeal, Segunda Bienal de Valencia. Comunicación entre las artes,  Reales Atarazanas, Valencia, ES



Le Prix Marcel Duchamp 2002, Centre Georges Pompidou - Musée National d'Art moderne, Paris, FR

Tutti i Nomi di Dio, curated by Manuela Grandini, Art Gallery, Milan, IT

3rd Busan Biennale, Busan, SK

Glassway - Le stanze del vetro, Museo Archeologico Regionale, Aosta, IT

Continuità. Magnete. Presenze artistiche in Toscana nella seconda metà del XX secolo, curated by Angela Vettese, Fattoria di Celle, Santomato di Pistoia, IT

The AAAC Story, curated by Robert Lee, Asian American Arts Centre, New York, US

Musicaxocchi / Augenmusik / Eyemusic, curated by Paola Tognon, Conservatorio di Musica Statale "Claudio Monteverdi", Bolzano, IT

Prière(s), Musée d’art et histoire, Saint-Denis, FR



Chairs in Contemporary Art, curated by Agnes Kohlmer, Civici Musei del Castello di Udine, Udine, IT

La GAM costruisce il suo futuro. Tre anni di acquisizioni di arte contemporanea, Palazzina della Società Promotrice di Belle Arti, Turin, IT

Platea dell’Umanità49a Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte, La Biennale di Venezia, curated by Harald Szeemann, Arsenale, Venice, IT

The Body of Art, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva and Peter Greenway, in Las Pasiones, Primera Bienal de Valencia. Comunicación entre las artes, Convento del Carmen, Valencia, ES

Jardins Secrets IV, Hôpital Charles Foix, Ivry-sur-Seine, FR

Belvedere, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva, in 1951-2001 Made in Italy? Palazzo della Triennale, Milan, IT

The Overexcited Body, Art and Sport in Contemporary Society, curated by Adelina von Fürstenberg and Yorgos Tzirtzilakis, exhibition organized by ART for The World, Palazzo dell’Arengario, Milan, IT; SESC Pompéia, São Paulo, BR



Paris pour escale, curated by Hou Hanru, Eveline Jouanno and Laurence Bossé, MAM/ARC, Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, FR

Playground & Toys for Refugee Children, curated by Adelina Von Fürstenberg, exhibition organized by ART for the World, Musée international de la Croix-Rouge, Geneva, CH; Museo H. C. Andersen, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Rome, IT; General Assembly Visitor’s Lobby, United Nations, New York, US; Museo Cantonale d’Arte, Lugano, CH

The Quiet in the Land: Everyday Life, Contemporary Art and Projeto Axé, curated by France Morin, MOMA - Museum of Modern Art of Bahia, Salvador, BR

Continental Shift, Ludwig Forum, Aachen, DE

Artistes du Tramway, Mairie, Montpellier, FR

Art grandeur nature, Parc départemental de La Courneuve, La Courneuve, FR

Collection, Kirishima Open Air Museum, Kagoshima, JP



1999 Carnegie International, curated by Madeleine Grynstejn, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, US

Kunstwelten im Dialog, curated by Marc Scheps, Museum Ludwig, Cologne, DE

Street Life, curated by Jérôme Sans, Project Row House, Houston, US

Beyond the Future – The Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane,  AU

Art in the city 3 / Naturally Art. Magical Reality of Unnatural, curated by Jérôme Sans and Petra Schröck, Kunsthaus Bregenz, Bregenz, AT

dAPPERTutto/APERTO overALL/APERTO parTOUT/APERTO überAll48a Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte, La Biennale di Venezia, curated by Harald Szeemann, Arsenale, Venice, IT

Jardins Secrets III, curated by Jean-Louis Pradel, Hôpital Charles Foix, Ivry-sur-Seine, FR

Cities on the Move: Urban Chaos and Global Change; East Asian Art, Architecture and Film Now, curated by Hou Hanru and Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Hayward Gallery, London, GB

Tales of the Tip. Art on Garbage, curated by Chris Driessen, Nicolette Gast and Tom van Gestel, exhibition organized by Fundament Foundation and Pratijkburea Beeldende Kunstopdrachten of the Mondriaan Foundation, Former Bavel landfill, Breda, NL

Cities on the Move 4: The Asian City of 90s, curated by Hou Hanru and Hans Ulrich Obrist, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, DK

Artefacta, Between Artificial and Nature, curated by Giovanna Nicoletti, Brunico, IT

In de Ban van de Ring, curated by Annemie van Laethem, Provinciaal Centrum voor Beeldende Kunsten, Hasselt, BE



Gare de l’Est, curated by Hou Hanru and Enrico Lunghi, Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain, Luxembourg, LU

On The Edge. New Art from Private Collections in France, curated by Nehama Guralnik, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Helena Rubistein Pavilion, Tel Aviv, IS

Les capteurs de rêves, in 1e Biennale de Montréalcurated by Claude Gosselin, Old Port, Montreal, CA

Concession perpétuelle IV, curated by Caroline de Fondaumière, Musée Léon-Dierx, Saint-Denis, La Réunion, FR

Global Vision: New Art from the 90s, Part II, curated by Katerina Gregos,  DESTE Foundation for Contemporary Art, Athens, GR

Sehnsucht Heimat, Kunsthalle Tirol, Hall in Tirol, AT

1998 Taipei Biennial: Site of Desire, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan, TW

The Quiet in the Land: Everyday Life, Contemporary Art and the Shakers, curated by France Morin, ICA - Institute of Contemporray Art, Boston, US

Cities on the Move, curated by Hou Hanru and Hans Ulrich Obrist, CAPC – Musée d’art contemporain, Bordeaux, FR

The Edge of Awareness, curated by Adelina von Fürstenberg, exhibition organized by ART for The World, WHO Headquarters, Geneva, CH; United Nations Building, New York, US; SESC Pompéia, São Paulo, BR

Ken Lum and Chen Zhen, in Jiangnan: Modern and Contemporary Art from South of the Yangzi River, curated by Hank Bull, Catriona Jeffries Gallery, Vancouver, CA

Crash Between Islands, curated by Jérôme Sans, in Arkipelag, National Maritime Museum, Stockholm, SE

Passage(s), curated by Sylvie Raymond, exhibition organized by the CIAC - Centre international d’art contemporain, les Maisons de la culture de la ville, Montreal, CA

Un futur à rencontrer, curated by Alain Batifoulier and Jean-Michel Ribettes, Passage de Retz, Paris, FR



Cities on the Move, curated by Hou Hanru and Hans Ulrich Obrist, Wiener Secession, Wien, AT

Hong Kong, etc…, curated by Hou Hanru, in Trade Routes: History and Geography, 2nd Johannesburg Biennale, Johannesburg, SA

Artist Projects, The Re-Opening Show of P.S.1 Museum, P.S.1 Comtemporary Art Center, New York, October - March 1998.

Hybrid, curated by Richard Koshalek, in 97 Kwangju Biennale. Unmapping the Earth,Kwangju, SK

The Quiet in the Land: Everyday Life, Contemporary Art and the Shakers, curated by France Morin, ICA - Institute of Contemporary Art at Maine College of Art, Portland, Maine, US

In-Between Limits, curated by Fei Dawei, Sonje Museum of Contemporary Art, Kyungju, SK

L’Autre4e Biennale de Lyon, curated by Harald Szeemann, Maison de Lyon, Lyon, FR

Méditations, curated by Adelina von Fürstenberg, exhibition organized by ART for The World, Médersa Ibn Youssef, Marrakech, MA

Fueki-Ryuko (Immutability and Fashion): Chinese Contemporary Art at the Midst of Changing Surroundings, curated by Fumio Nanjo and Akiko Miki, Kirin Art Space, Harajuku, Tokyo, JP; Kirin Plaza, Osaka, JP; Mitsubishi-Jisho Artium, Fukuoka, JP

Parisien(ne)s, curated by Hou Hanru, Institute of International Visual Arts and Camden Arts Centre, London, GB



Origin and Myths of Fire, New Art from Japan, China and Korea, curated by Nakamura Makoto, The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, JP

Sites et artistes, Grande Halle de la Villette, Paris, FR

Shopping, curated by Jérôme Sans, produced by Jeffrey Deitch, A. Mercer Auto Repair, New York, US

1st Shanghai Art Biennial, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, CN

Shanghai Fax - Let's Talk about Money, Shanghai Hua Shan Art School Gallery, Shanghai, CN

Artistes français de A à Z, Galerie Gabrielle Maubrie, Paris, FR

Stipendiaten in der Villa Waldberta, Dany Keller Galerie, Munich, DE



Infrasound, curated by Jérôme Sans and Karin Günther, Woche die Bildenden Kunst, Hamburg, DE

Ma collection, Galerie Michel Rein, Tours, FR

Shopping, curated by Jérôme Sans, produced by CAPC - Musée d’art contemporain, Librairie Mollat, Bordeaux, FR

Dialogue de paix, curated by Adelina von Fürstenberg, Palace of Nations, Geneva, IT

Aperto 95, Le Nouveau Musée, Villeurbanne, FR

On board, Il nuovo trionfo, curated by Jérôme Sans and Karin Schorm, Riva San Biagio, Venice, IT

25 Jahre GalerieDany Keller Galerie, Munich, DE

10e Bourse d’art monumental d’Ivry-sur-Seine, Centre d’art contemporain d’Ivry, Galerie Fernand Léger, Ivry, FR

Dada-Fluxus-Tecno, Galleria Vivita, Florence, IT



Heart of Darkness, curated by Marianne Brouwer, Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, NL

Le Shuttle, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, DE

Out of the Centre, curated by Hou Hanru and Jari-Pekka Vanhala, PoriArt Museum, Pori, FI

L’Œuvre a-t-elle lieu?, curated by Daniel Buren, Witte de With – Centre for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, NL

In altre parole, Galleria Valentina Moncada, Rome, IT



Viennese Story, curated by Jérôme Sans, Wiener Secession, Wien, AT

Devant, le future – Future Lies Ahead, curated by Pontus Hultén, Taejon Expo’93, Taedok Science Town, Taejon, SK

Before the Sound of the Beep – A Parisian Exhibition (on answering machine) / Avant le Bip Sonore - Une Exposition Parisienne (sur répondeur), curated by Jérôme Sans, in 22 galleries, Paris, FR

Rencontres dans un couloir, curated by Hou Hanru, 12 Rue Lacordaire, Paris, FR

Thàlatta, thàlatta!, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva, XXXVIII Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Contemporanea, Galleria Civica d’Arte Contemporanea, Termoli, IT

Silent Energy, curated by David Elliott and Lydie Mepham, The Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, GB

Concession perpétuelle, curated by François Cheval, Musée Léon-Dierx, La Réunion, FR

Trésors de voyage, curated by Adelina von Fürstenberg, 45a Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte, La Biennale di Venezia, Mekhitarist monastery, Isle of San Lazzaro degli Armeni, Venice, IT

Prospect 93, curated by Peter Weiermair, Frankfurter Kunstverein and Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, DE

Energotopes, curated by Démosthènes Davvetas, in collaboration with the Institut Français d’Athènes, Ileana Tounta Contemporary Art Center, Athens, GR

Plötzlich ist eine Zeit hereingebrochen, in der alles möglich sein sollte, curated by Udo Kilttelmann, Kunstverein Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg, DE



Paesaggio con rovine, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva, Museo Civico di Arte Contemporanea, Gibellina, IT

3011, curated by Jérôme Sans, Galerie des Archives, Paris, FR

Allocaties / Allocations – Art for a Natural and Artificial Environment, curated by Maria-Rosa Boezem, Jouke Kleerebezem and Michien den Rujter, Floriade Parc, Zoetermeer, The NL

La Technologie dans l’art, Galleria Vivita, Florence, IT



AAAC Annual: From ‘Star Star’ to Avant garde – Nine artists from China, curated by Robert Lee, Asian American Arts Centre, New York, US

La Fureur de Lire, Atelier du Rhin, Colmar, FR

Sous le signe de…, curated by Richard Rotkopf, Centre lotois d’art contemporain, Figeac, FR

Parcours privés 91, curated by Adelina von Fürstenberg, Quartier du Marais, Paris, FR



Von mir aus, Dany Keller Galerie, Munich, DE

Art chinois. Chine demain pour hier, curated by Fei Dawei, Couvent des Minimes, Pourrières, FR

Laboratoire, curated by Pontus Hultén, Evgenia N. Petrova, Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, RU



Galerie de la Maison des Beaux-Arts, Paris, FR

China / Avant-garde, China Art Gallery, Beijing, CN

Quatre artistes asiatiques, ENSBA - École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, FR



Salon des Réalités nouvelles, Grand Palais, Paris, FR



Les Modernistes de Pékin, Galerie Bertrand de Gastines, Romorantin, FR

Carrefour de la Chine, Rue Sainte-Anne, Paris, FR

Chine contemporaine, Galerie Schèmes, Lille, FR

Six générations de peintres chinois à Paris, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, FR

Salon des réalités nouvelles, Grand Palais, Paris, FR

“双重流放”,2023, 常青画廊展览现场, 巴黎。摄影: Oak Taylor-Smith

“双重流放”,2023, 常青画廊展览现场, 巴黎。摄影: Oak Taylor-Smith

“双重流放”,2023, 常青画廊展览现场, 巴黎。摄影: Oak Taylor-Smith

“双重流放”,2023, 常青画廊展览现场, 巴黎。摄影: Oak Taylor-Smith

《福到》Fu Dao / Fu Dao, Upside-down Buddha / Arrival At Good Fortune,1997。装置现场:“短路”,倍耐力HangarBicocca,米兰,2020。摄影:Agostino Osio © 米兰倍耐力HangarBicocca以及常青画廊 © ADAGP, Paris

装置现场:“短路”,倍耐力HangarBicocca,米兰,2020。摄影:Agostino Osio © 米兰倍耐力HangarBicocca以及常青画廊 © ADAGP, Paris

装置现场:“短路”,倍耐力HangarBicocca,米兰,2020。摄影:Agostino Osio © 米兰倍耐力HangarBicocca以及常青画廊 © ADAGP, Paris

装置现场:“短路”,倍耐力HangarBicocca,米兰,2020。摄影:Agostino Osio © 米兰倍耐力HangarBicocca以及常青画廊 © ADAGP, Paris

《六根 - 记忆》Six Roots - Mémoire | Memory,2000,织物、金属、墨水,约205 x 415 x 256 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Nestor Kim

《六根 - 记忆》Six Roots - Mémoire | Memory,2000,织物、金属、墨水,约205 x 415 x 256 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Nestor Kim

《六根 - 童年 | 男孩》Six Roots - Enfance | Garçon - Childhood | Boy,2000,木船、塑料玩具士兵和坦克、金属,173 x 382 x 150 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Michele Alberto Sereni

《六根 - 童年 | 男孩》Six Roots - Enfance | Garçon - Childhood | Boy,2000,木船、塑料玩具士兵和坦克、金属,173 x 382 x 150 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Michele Alberto Sereni

六根 - 童年 | 女孩》Six Roots - Enfance | Fille - Childhood | Girl,2000,金属浴缸、塑料娃娃、布料、火柴,215 x 80 x 55 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《花园 - 洗衣房》Jardin-Lavoir,2000,床、金属、木材、水、液压系统、发现物,约700 x 2000 x 1800 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Oak Taylor-Smith

《花园 - 洗衣房》Jardin-Lavoir,2000,床、金属、木材、水、液压系统、发现物,约700 x 2000 x 1800 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Oak Taylor-Smith

《花园 - 洗衣房》Jardin-Lavoir,2000,床、金属、木材、水、液压系统、发现物,约700 x 2000 x 1800 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Oak Taylor-Smith

《难忘的花园》Jardin mémorable,2000,青铜、金属,每个元素130 x 120 x 120 厘米,每块119.5 x 119.5 x 3 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Bertrand Huet

《难忘的花园》Jardin mémorable,2000,青铜、金属,每个元素130 x 120 x 120 厘米,每块119.5 x 119.5 x 3 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Bertrand Huet

《净化室》Purification Room,2000,发现物、陶土,高350 x 800 x 600 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《净化室》Purification Room,2000,发现物、陶土,高350 x 800 x 600 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《净化室》Purification Room,2000,发现物、陶土,高350 x 800 x 600 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《禅园(2)》Zen Garden (2),2000,雪花石膏、金属、塑料植物、木材、沙子、小石头、电灯泡,175 x 340 x 300 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《禅园(2)》Zen Garden (2),2000,雪花石膏、金属、塑料植物、木材、沙子、小石头、电灯泡,175 x 340 x 300 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《禅园(2)》Zen Garden (2),2000,雪花石膏、金属、塑料植物、木材、沙子、小石头、电灯泡,175 x 340 x 300 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《禅园(2)》Zen Garden (2),2000,雪花石膏、金属、塑料植物、木材、沙子、小石头、电灯泡,175 x 340 x 300 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《无国界的村庄》Un Village sans frontières,2000,椅子和彩色蜡烛,50 x 32 x 25 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《绝唱,舞动的身体 – 敲击的心灵(最后一曲)》Jue Chang, Dancing Body – Drumming Mind (The Last Song),2000,床、椅子、金属、木材、牛皮、绳子、线,230 x 1800 x 1200 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《绝唱,舞动的身体 – 敲击的心灵(最后一曲)》Jue Chang, Dancing Body – Drumming Mind (The Last Song),2000,床、椅子、金属、木材、牛皮、绳子、线,230 x 1800 x 1200 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《绝唱,舞动的身体 – 敲击的心灵(最后一曲)》Jue Chang, Dancing Body – Drumming Mind (The Last Song),2000,床、椅子、金属、木材、牛皮、绳子、线,230 x 1800 x 1200 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《表演:绝唱,舞动的身体 – 敲击的心灵(最后一曲)》PERFORMANCE: Jue Chang, Dancing Body – Drumming Mind (The Last Song),2000,床、椅子、金属、木材、牛皮、绳子、线,230 x 1800 x 1200 厘米,海牙市立博物馆,荷兰海牙,2004。© ADAGP,巴黎

《表演:绝唱,舞动的身体 – 敲击的心灵(最后一曲)》PERFORMANCE: Jue Chang, Dancing Body – Drumming Mind (The Last Song),2000,床、椅子、金属、木材、牛皮、绳子、线,230 x 1800 x 1200 厘米,海牙市立博物馆,荷兰海牙,2004。© ADAGP,巴黎

《表演:绝唱,舞动的身体 – 敲击的心灵(最后一曲)》PERFORMANCE: Jue Chang, Dancing Body – Drumming Mind (The Last Song),2000,床、椅子、金属、木材、牛皮、绳子、线,230 x 1800 x 1200 厘米,海牙市立博物馆,荷兰海牙,2004。© ADAGP,巴黎

《体内的水晶风景(蛇)》Crystal Landscape of Inner Body (Serpent),2000,水晶、金属、玻璃,95 x 70 x 190 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《体内的水晶风景(蛇)》Crystal Landscape of Inner Body (Serpent),2000,水晶、金属、玻璃,95 x 70 x 190 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《体内的水晶风景(蛇)》Crystal Landscape of Inner Body (Serpent),2000,水晶、金属、玻璃,95 x 70 x 190 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《体内的水晶风景(蛇)》Crystal Landscape of Inner Body (Serpent),2000,水晶、金属、玻璃,95 x 70 x 190 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《体内的水晶风景(蛇)》Crystal Landscape of Inner Body (Serpent),2000,水晶、金属、玻璃,95 x 70 x 190 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《同床异梦》Même lit, rêves différents,1999,中国床、金属、有机玻璃、布料、床垫、火柴、聚苯乙烯球、风扇、运动传感器、电视,400 x 600 x 800 厘米。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《同床异梦》Même lit, rêves différents,1999,中国床、金属、有机玻璃、布料、床垫、火柴、聚苯乙烯球、风扇、运动传感器、电视,400 x 600 x 800 厘米。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《福到》Fu Dao / Fu Dao, Upside-down Buddha / Arrival at Good Fortune,1997,金属、竹子、佛像、发现物,550 x 800 x 350 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎,1997

《福到》Fu Dao / Fu Dao, Upside-down Buddha / Arrival at Good Fortune,1997,金属、竹子、佛像、发现物,550 x 800 x 350 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎,1997

《福到》Fu Dao / Fu Dao, Upside-down Buddha / Arrival at Good Fortune,1997,金属、竹子、佛像、发现物,550 x 800 x 350 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎,1997

《音乐工具》Instrument musical,1996,木材、中国坐便器、金属、声音系统,68 x 121 x 45 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Rémi Lavalle

《风 - 物景》Lands-Objectscape,1995,金属、玻璃、土壤、物品、霓虹灯、红色丙烯漆,100 x 110 x 30 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Marco Minò

《风 - 物景》Lands-Objectscape,1995,金属、玻璃、土壤、物品、霓虹灯、红色丙烯漆,100 x 110 x 30 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Marco Minò

《遗言 / 破译》Testament / Déchiffrer》,1993,金属、木材、布料、黑色丙烯漆、报纸灰烬、绳索,300 x 250 x 500 厘米(尺寸可变)。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Oak Taylor-Smith

《遗言 / 破译》Testament / Déchiffrer》,1993,金属、木材、布料、黑色丙烯漆、报纸灰烬、绳索,300 x 250 x 500 厘米(尺寸可变)。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Oak Taylor-Smith

《遗言 / 破译》Testament / Déchiffrer》,1993,金属、木材、布料、黑色丙烯漆、报纸灰烬、绳索,300 x 250 x 500 厘米(尺寸可变)。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Oak Taylor-Smith

《祭坛 - 红、白、黑》L'Autel - Rouge, blanc, noir,1993,金属、木材、玻璃、自粘塑料薄膜、宣纸、黑色、白色和红色丙烯漆、铝、沙子、水、红色、白色和黑色颜料粉末,159 x 100 x 35 厘米

《祭坛 - 红、白、黑》L'Autel - Rouge, blanc, noir,1993,金属、木材、玻璃、自粘塑料薄膜、宣纸、黑色、白色和红色丙烯漆、铝、沙子、水、红色、白色和黑色颜料粉末,159 x 100 x 35 厘米

《人的幽灵归来 - 在他人的尸体中寻找再生》Le Retour des fantômes de l’homme - Find Reincarnation in Another's Corpse,1992,木材、土壤、金属、99件镀镍发现物、照片、红色和黑色丙烯漆、有机玻璃,182 x 750 x 800 厘米(尺寸可变)。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Éric Angels

《人的幽灵归来 - 在他人的尸体中寻找再生》Le Retour des fantômes de l’homme - Find Reincarnation in Another's Corpse,1992,木材、土壤、金属、99件镀镍发现物、照片、红色和黑色丙烯漆、有机玻璃,182 x 750 x 800 厘米(尺寸可变)。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Éric Angels

《人的幽灵归来 - 在他人的尸体中寻找再生》Le Retour des fantômes de l’homme - Find Reincarnation in Another's Corpse,1992,木材、土壤、金属、99件镀镍发现物、照片、红色和黑色丙烯漆、有机玻璃,182 x 750 x 800 厘米(尺寸可变)。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Éric Angels

《箱子 / 幽灵》Le Coffre / Le Fantôme,1992,木材、金属、镀镍发现物、照片、红色和黑色丙烯漆、有机玻璃,76 x 42 x 20 厘米(关闭时)。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《箱子 / 幽灵》Le Coffre / Le Fantôme,1992,木材、金属、镀镍发现物、照片、红色和黑色丙烯漆、有机玻璃,76 x 42 x 20 厘米(关闭时)。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《光的文字 / 文字的光》Les Textes de la lumière / La Lumière des textes,1992,金属、玻璃、霓虹灯、红色颜料粉末、土壤、物品、红色自粘字母,190 x 140 x 31 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《光的文字 / 文字的光》Les Textes de la lumière / La Lumière des textes,1992,金属、玻璃、霓虹灯、红色颜料粉末、土壤、物品、红色自粘字母,190 x 140 x 31 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《光的文字 / 文字的光》Les Textes de la lumière / La Lumière des textes,1992,金属、玻璃、霓虹灯、红色颜料粉末、土壤、物品、红色自粘字母,190 x 140 x 31 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《光的文字 / 文字的光》Les Textes de la lumière / La Lumière des textes,1992,金属、玻璃、霓虹灯、红色颜料粉末、土壤、物品、红色自粘字母,190 x 140 x 31 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《陨石》Météorite,1992,金属、玻璃、铝土矿、铝、照片、红色丙烯漆,30 x 30 x 30 厘米 - 货架20 x 30 x 40 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Rémi Lavalle

《陨石》Météorite,1992,金属、玻璃、铝土矿、铝、照片、红色丙烯漆,30 x 30 x 30 厘米 - 货架20 x 30 x 40 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Rémi Lavalle

《轻盈 / 重量》La Légèreté / Le Poids,1991,金属、玻璃、石头、报纸灰烬、报纸,216 x 155 x 40 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Andrea Rossetti

《轻盈 / 重量》La Légèreté / Le Poids,1991,金属、玻璃、石头、报纸灰烬、报纸,216 x 155 x 40 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Andrea Rossetti

《轻盈 / 重量》La Légèreté / Le Poids,1991,金属、玻璃、石头、报纸灰烬、报纸,216 x 155 x 40 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Andrea Rossetti

《轻盈 / 重量》La Légèreté / Le Poids,1991,金属、玻璃、石头、报纸灰烬、报纸,216 x 155 x 40 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Andrea Rossetti

《天然产品 / 人工产品》Le Produit naturel / Le Produit artificiel,1991,金属、有机玻璃、人工花、镜面丝网印刷、牛粪,297 x 170 x 55 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《天然产品 / 人工产品》Le Produit naturel / Le Produit artificiel,1991,金属、有机玻璃、人工花、镜面丝网印刷、牛粪,297 x 170 x 55 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《天然产品 / 人工产品》Le Produit naturel / Le Produit artificiel,1991,金属、有机玻璃、人工花、镜面丝网印刷、牛粪,297 x 170 x 55 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《天然产品 / 人工产品》Le Produit naturel / Le Produit artificiel,1991,金属、有机玻璃、人工花、镜面丝网印刷、牛粪,297 x 170 x 55 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《道路 / 写作的木筏》Le Chemin / Le Radeau de l’écriture,1991,铁路枕木、金属、红色丙烯漆、石头、报纸、书籍,60 x 300 x 250 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Daniel Moulinet

《道路 / 写作的木筏》Le Chemin / Le Radeau de l’écriture,1991,铁路枕木、金属、红色丙烯漆、石头、报纸、书籍,60 x 300 x 250 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Daniel Moulinet

《道路 / 写作的木筏》Le Chemin / Le Radeau de l’écriture,1991,铁路枕木、金属、红色丙烯漆、石头、报纸、书籍,60 x 300 x 250 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Daniel Moulinet

《神圣筹码 / 魔鬼箱》Jetons divins / Caisse démoniaque,1991,金属、木材、物品,250 x 150 x 100 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《神圣筹码 / 魔鬼箱》Jetons divins / Caisse démoniaque,1991,金属、木材、物品,250 x 150 x 100 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《神圣筹码 / 魔鬼箱》Jetons divins / Caisse démoniaque,1991,金属、木材、物品,250 x 150 x 100 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《记忆4》Mémoire 4,1989,纸上油画、布面宣纸拼贴和印度墨水,60 x 90 厘米。© ADAGP,巴黎。摄影:Lorenzo Fiaschi

《童年记忆》Memoire d'enfance,1987,印度墨水和水粉画于宣纸上,54 x 43.5 厘米。摄影:Duccio Benvenuti - Art Store。© ADAGP,巴黎







