汉斯·欧普·德·贝克(Hans Op de Beeck)1969年出生于图恩豪特,目前生活和工作在布鲁塞尔,比利时。他创作大型装置、雕塑、电影、绘画、摄影及文字作品。欧普·德·贝克的作品反映了当今复杂社会中的普遍意义和对生命短暂的思考。






欧普·德·贝克的作品曾在全球各地的个展和群展中广泛展出。他曾在多个知名机构举办个展,包括:海牙当代艺术博物馆(GEM Museum of Contemporary Art,荷兰,2004年)、安特卫普当代艺术博物馆(MUHKA Museum of Contemporary Art,比利时,2006年)、乌特勒支中央博物馆(Centraal Museum,荷兰,2007年)、十和田市立现代美术馆(日本,2008年)、史密森尼学会赫什霍恩博物馆与雕塑园(华盛顿,美国,2010年)、图恩美术馆(Kunstmuseum Thun,瑞士,2011年)、布尔戈斯艺术中心(Centro de Arte Caja de Burgos,西班牙,2011年)、巴特勒画廊(Butler Gallery,基尔肯尼,爱尔兰,2012年)、汉诺威艺术协会(Kunstverein Hanover,德国,2012年)、坦帕艺术博物馆(Tampa Museum of Art,坦帕,美国,2013年)、哈恩艺术博物馆(Harn Museum of Art,盖恩斯维尔,佛罗里达,美国,2013年)、普罗旺斯-阿尔卑斯-蔚蓝海岸地区当代艺术基金会(FRAC Paca,马赛,法国,2013年)、麻省理工学院视觉艺术中心(MIT List Visual Arts Center,剑桥,美国,2014年)、克利夫兰当代艺术博物馆(MOCA Cleveland,美国,2014年)、歌兹收藏馆(Sammlung Goetz,慕尼黑,德国,2014年)、墨尔本Screen Space(澳大利亚,2015年)、希梅城堡(Château de Chimay,比利时,2015年)、巴黎104文化中心(Espace 104,法国,2016年)、沃尔夫斯堡艺术博物馆(Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg,德国,2017年)、皮诺帕斯卡利基金会(Fondazione Pino Pascali,波利尼亚诺阿马雷,意大利,2017年)、多恩比恩艺术空间(Kunstraum Dornbirn,德国,2017年)、莱沃库森莫尔斯布罗赫博物馆(Museum Morsbroich,德国,2017年)、常青画廊(Boissy-le-Châtel,法国,2018)、海运博物馆(阿姆斯特丹,荷兰,2018)、克雷姆斯艺术馆(克雷姆斯,奥地利,2019)、艾尔米塔什博物馆(圣彼得堡,俄罗斯,2021)、Amos Rex博物馆(赫尔辛基,芬兰,2022)、法兰德博物馆(卡塞尔,法国,2023)。


汉斯·欧普·德·贝克参与了众多群展,这些展览在以下机构展出:索菲亚王后国家艺术中心博物馆(马德里,西班牙)、斯科茨代尔当代艺术博物馆(亚利桑那州,美国)、ZKM媒体艺术中心(卡尔斯鲁厄,德国)、罗马当代艺术博物馆(意大利)、白教堂美术馆(伦敦,英国)、PS1(纽约,美国)、法国国家现代艺术博物馆蓬皮杜中心(巴黎,法国)、瓦尔拉夫·理查茨博物馆(科隆,德国)、Bicocca艺术空间(米兰,意大利)、原美术馆(东京,日本)、21C博物馆(路易斯维尔,肯塔基州,美国)、The Drawing Center(纽约,美国)、维也纳艺术馆(奥地利)、上海美术馆(中国上海)、布宜诺斯艾利斯当代艺术博物馆(阿根廷)、慕尼黑艺术之家(德国)、博洛尼亚现代艺术博物馆(意大利)、波恩美术馆(德国)、丹弗里当代艺术中心(哥本哈根,丹麦)、比利时皇家美术馆(布鲁塞尔,比利时)、法兰克福艺术协会(法兰克福,德国)、杜塞尔多夫艺术宫博物馆(德国)、泰特现代美术馆(伦敦,英国)等。







Winner of the ‘Catholic University of Leuven Culture Prize 2009-2010‘, Belgium.



Winner of the ‘Prize Eugène Baie 2003-2005‘, Antwerp



Artist at the MoMA - P.S.1 Studio Program, New York



Winner of the ‘Prix Jeune Peinture Belge 2001’, Palais des Beaux Arts, Brussels



Winner of the ‘Uriôt Prize’, Amsterdam



Participant at the Rijksakademie, Amsterdam (post-MA)



Participant at The Higher Institute for Fine Arts-Flanders, Antwerp (post-MA)



Masters Degree in Visual Arts, Higher Institute Sint-Lukas, Brussels






Vanishing, Galleria Continua Beijing, China

Silence & Résonance, Musée de Flandre, Cassel, FR



Hans Op de Beeck: Works on Paper  Galerie Ron Mandos, Amsterdam, NL

Hans Op de Beeck: The Quiet Parade, Amos Rex, Helsinki, FI 



Works on Paper, Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna, AT 

Hans Op de Beeck: The Horseman, The State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, RU 

The Boatman and other stories , Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT



Short Stories, Galleri Andersson / Sandström, Stockholm, SE

Drifting, Gallery Pilevneli, Istanbul, TR

The Horseman and other stories, online exhibition at Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT



The Cliff, Kunsthalle Krems, Krems an der Donau, AT

The Conversation, Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna, AT

Staging Silence (3) , Screening 27 - 29 September Romaeuropa Festival, Rome, IT



Kids, cabinets, pictures and ponds, Galleria Continua, Les Moulins, FR

My bed a raft, the room the sea, and then I laughed some gloom in meGalleria Continua, Havana, CU

The Wunderkammer Residence, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Deurle, BE

Cabinet of Curiosities, Galerie Ron Mandos, Amsterdam, NL

The Girl, Marianne Boesky Gallery, NY, US



Out of the Ordinary, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, DE

The Silent Castle, Museum Morsbroich, Keverkusen, DE

The Pond Room, Kunstraum Dornbirn, AT

Hans Op de Beeck: Pino Pascali Award - XX edition, Fondazione Museo Pino Pascali, Polignano a Mare, IT



Small things and Shoothing Thoughts, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT

The Collector's House , Art Unlimited, Basel, CH

Night TimeNassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, DE

Silent Rooms, Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna, AU

Saisir le silence, Le Centquatre, Paris, FR

The Garden of Whispers, Couvent des Jacobins, Toulouse, FR



The Quiet View, permanent installation, Herkenrode site, Hasselt, BE

Décors et Figurants, Chateâu de Chimay, Chimay, BE

The Drawing Room, Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York, US

Staging Silence (2),  Folkwang Museum, Essen, DE

The Amusement Park, Les Champs Libres, Rennes, FR

The Thread, Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna, AT

Sea of Tranquillity, Screen Space, Melbourne, AU

Eyes Closed, Ron Mandos Gallery, Amsterdam, NL



Hans Op de Beeck: The Night Time Drawings, Galleria Continua Beijing, CN

Personnages, Domaine de Charamande, Chamarande, FR

Hans Op de Beeck: The Drawing Room, Le botanique, Brussels, BE

Hans Op de Beeck: Quiet Scenery and Wandering Extras, Sammlung Goetz, München, DE

Staging Silence (2), MOCA, Cleveland - Lewis Gallery, Cleveland, OH, US

Staging Silence (2), MIT List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge, MA, US



Metropolitan Scenes, MMKA, Arnhem, NL

Staging Silence (2), Screen Festival, Art Palacio, São Paolo, BR

Staging Silence (2), Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, Florida, US

Dance, permanent installation at Red Star Line Museum, Antwerp, BE

Parade, Galleria Continua, Le Moulin; FR

Parade, De Warande, Turnhout, BE

Sea of Tranquillity, Tampa Museum of Art, Tampa, Florida, US

Sea of Tranquillity, FRAC Paca, Marseille, FR



Hans Op de Beeck: Extensions, Museum Het Domein, Sittard, NL

Hans Op de Beeck: Sea of Tranquillity, Argos, Brussels, BE

Hans Op de Beeck: Sea of Tranquillity, Centro de Arte, Burgos, ES

Hans Op de Beeck: Sea of Tranquillity & Staging Views, Kunstmuseum Thun, Thun, CH



Sea of Tranquillity, Centro de Arte Caja de Burgos CAB, Burgos, ES

Sea of Tranquillity, Art Unlimited, Art Basel, CH

Hans Op de Beeck: Extensions, Museum Het Domein, Sittard, NL

Hans Op de Beeck: Sea of Tranquillity, Argos, Brussels, BE

Hans Op de Beeck: Sea of Tranquillity, Centro de Arte, Burgos, ES

Hans Op de Beeck: Sea of Tranquillity & Staging Views, Kunstmuseum Thun, Thun, CH



Still Lifes, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT



Staging Silence, Galleria Continua, Beijing, CN

Staging Silence, Galleria Continua, Beijing, CN

Circumstances, Gallery Vartai, Vilnius, LT

5 Sculptures, ArtBankingClub, Moscow, RU

Staging Silence, Baukunst Galerie, Cologne, DE

A selection of video works, Palais de Tokyo / ENSBA, Galleria Continua / Le Moulin, Paris, FR

Staging Silence, CC Strombeek, Grimbergen, BE

The Room Series, Art Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL

Paradigms, Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna, AT



Celebration, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT

Location (6), Westergasfabriek (Holland Festival), Amsterdam, NL

Circumstances, Rogaland Museum of Fine Arts, Stavanger, NO



Extensions, Treasury of Saint Peter, Leuven, BE

Extensions, Centraal Museum, Utrecht, NL

Merry-go-round (2), Art Unlimited, Art 38 Basel, CH

Extensions, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT

All together now..., Argos, Brussels, BE

All together now..., Galerie Ron Mandos, Amsterdam, NL

The Stewarts have a party, Derlon Theater, Maastricht, NL

Drifting, Argos, Brussels, BE



Video in tutti i sensi - Loss, Via Farini, Milan, IT

Video in tutti i sensi - My Brother’s Gardens, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice, IT

Tables..., Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna, AT

Drawings, Galerie Les Filles du Calvaire, Paris, FR

Videowork, MuHKA_media, Antwerp, BE

Family (scenes and scenery), Xavier Hufkens, Brussels, BE



T-Mart, MuHKA, Museum of Contemporary Art, Antwerp, BE

In their minds..., Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, Chelsea, New York , US

Loss, Chamarande - Centre Artistique et Culturel, Chamarande, FR

Blender, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT



Meanwhile..., GeM, Museum of Contemporary Art, The Hague, NL

Hans Op de Beeck, Galerie Ron Mandos, Rotterdam, NL

Location (5), Art Unlimited, Art 35 Basel, CH

Art Positions: Loss, Art Basel – Miami Beach, Miami, US



My brother’s gardens, Xavier Hufkens, Brussels, BE

My brother’s gardens, Hales Gallery, London, UK



Hans Op de Beeck, Hales Gallery, London, UK

Colours, DOT Projects, London, UK



Hans Op de Beeck, Spazio Erasmus Brera, Milan, IT

Summer with friends/ 2nd space, Team Gallery, New York, US

Hans Op de Beeck, Dorothée De Pauw Gallery, Brussels, BE




Arena Entre Las Manos (Sand Between the Hands) Galleria Continua, Havana, CU

Chengdu Biennale: Time Gravity. Various Locations, Chengdu, CN

Glasstress Sopot, Unveiled Realities.   State Art Gallery, Sopot, PL

 Aranya Plein Air Art Project: Of Three Minds. Video Selection. Aranya Art Centre, Qinhuangdao, CN

Le Voyage à Nantes: The Summer Journey. Théâtre Graslin, Nantes, FR

Eclectic Campagne(s). La chambre d’eau, Le Favril, FR

The Clown Spirit. Galleria Mucciaccia, Rome, IT

Photography as a Tool. Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna, AT

Public Matters: Contemporary Art in the Belvedere Garden. The Belvedere, Vienna, AT

In Absence, MAD Gallery, Hasselt, BE

The Feast, The Isreal Museum, Jerusalem, IL

Verstilde Stad, Westfront Nieuwpoort, Nieuwpoort, BE

Family Matters, Boghossian Foundation Villa Empain, Brussels, BE



Erwin Olaf & Hans Op de Beeck: Inspired by Steichen, Musée National d'Histoire et d'Art, Luxembourg City, LU

SkYline. Hoogbouw in de Lage Landen, STAM, Ghent, BE

Sognare, Galleria Continua, St Regis Hotel, Rome, IT 

From Still Life to Food Porn, Museum Brot und Kunst, Ulm (DE)

Mystiek, Limburgs Museum, Venlo (NL)

The Ability To Dream, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT

Glasstress: Venetian glass today, Millesgården Museum, Lidingö, SE

Oude Wijn / Nieuwe Zakken, De Warande, Turnhout, BE

No Access, Viewmaster Projects, Maastricht, NL

La Biennale de Lyon: Manifesto of Fragility, Various Locations, Lyon, FR

Home is where the Art is, Kunsthal Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL

De Kwetsbare Mens, Depot Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam, NL

Open, Museum Arnhem, Arnhem, NL

La Biennale d’art contemporain d’Enghien: Miroirs 4 / Par enchantement, Expo Parc, Enghien, BE

Pilevneli / Yalikavak, Pilevneli Gallery, Muğla , TR

The Circus We Are, Le Delta - Espace Culturel Provincial, Namur, BE

We are the Flood. First Liquid Exhibition, MUSE Museum, Trento, IT

Color as Program, Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, DE

Eden, Various Locations, Roeselare, BE

Film en Stilte – Mechelen Feest, Cultuurcentrum, Mechelen (BE)

Helsinki International Film Festival – Love & Anarchy, Bio Rex, Helsinki (FI)



Napoléon? Encore!, Musée de l'Armée, Paris, FR

Reset!, Kunstmuseum Ahlen, Ahlen, DE

The World As We Don't Know It, Droog, Amsterdam,NL

Tate Modern Lates, Tate Modern, London, GB

Art to Go, Amsterdam Centraal, Amsterdam, NL

Het Voorstel: Een Biënnale van Ideeën, Cultuurcentrum De Steiger & Stadsmuseum, Menen, BE

Glasstress, The State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, RU

Frejas Sal: Cultivated Landscapes and Wild Gardens, Skovhuset Kunst & Natur, Værløse, DK

Le Génie Des Lieux, La Terrasse Espace d'art de Nanterre, Nanterre, FR

Tree Connections, Kulturstiftung Basel, Basel, CH

Bruges Triennale 2021: TraumA, Various Locations, Bruges, BE

The Tides of the Century, Ocean Flower Island Museum, Hainan, CN

Mirror l Mirror. Reflect Yourself! Kunsthal Kade, Amersfoort, NL

Take Your Time, Museum M, Leuven, BE

Contemporary Models of Realism, MOCAK, Krakow, PL



Collector's Item, Centraal Museum, Utrecht, NL

Muse, Catharine Clark Gallery, San Francisco, US

Prelude: Melancholy of the Future, Online Exhibition, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, BE

Le Musée de Flandre fête ses 10 ans, Musée de Flandre, Cassel, FR

Day For (Your) Night , 29 May - 31 August 2020, Le Shed - Notre-Dame de Bondeville (FR), Online Exhibition

15 Years of Galleria Continua: To Be Continua 22 May - 30 August 2020 Galleria Continua - Beijing (CN)

De Nacht 29 March - 16 August 2020 De Warande - Turnhout (BE)



Roots of Clouds Adrift 15 November 2019 - 8 March 2020 OCAT Exhibition Site - Nanjing (CH)

Pompei e Santorini: l'eternità in un giorno11 October 2019 - 06 January 2020, Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome IT

Who are you? La Maison des Arts, Brussels, BE 

Kronos e Kairos19 July - 03 November 2019 Parco Archeologico of Colosseo, Rome, IT

Touch Wood, Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten, Klagenfurt AU

 In the Spotlight of the Night, Marta Herford Museum for Art, Architecture, Design, Herford, DE

 Natura In Posa, Complesso di Santa Caterina, Treviso, IT

Setouchi Triennale 2019, JP - new sculptural installation “The Silent Room”, 19 July 2019 - 4 November 2019

ArtGenève / Sculptures, Court St Pierre, Geneva, CH

Glasstress 2019Fondazione Berengo Art Space, Murano, IT

Fiction and FabricationMAAT, Lisbon, PTVideoland - 10 years of Kunsthal KAdEKunsthal Kade, Amersfoort, NL


OFF-SPRING: New Generations, 21c Museum Hotel, Lexington Kentucky, US

Ce qui pèse et ce qui nourrit (R.M. Rilke) Biennale d'Art Contemporain, Musée Rolin-Musée Lapidaire-Hôpital St-Gabriël, Autun, FR

Object Love, Museum de Domijnen Hedendaagse Kunst, Sittard, NL

Hoogte80, Museum Arnhem, Stadspark Hoogte80, Zaslaan, Arnhem, NL

Black & White. Von Dürer bis Eliasson, Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, DE

Rendez-Vous, Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Brussels, BE

Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin, Forum des images, Carreau du Temple, Centre Pompidou, Cité internationale des Arts, Luminor Hôtel de ville, Paris, FR

Faces, Museum Dr. Guislain - Psychiatrisch Centrum Sint-Amandus, Beernem, BE

2050. A Brief History of the Future, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, TW



Hörliga Bilder, Konsthallen Blå Stället, Gothenburg, SE

Glasstress Boca Raton 2017, Boca Raton Museum of Art, Boca Raton, Florida, US

Artapes, MAXXI, Rome, IT    

L’attention au réel - Art flamand et hollandais, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Caen, Caen, FR

Les dix ans du Prix de dessin contemporain de la Fondation Daniel et Florence Guerlain, Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR

Enjoy, Chiostro del Bramante, Rome, IT

Sterne / Stars, Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz, Linz, AU

Perception is Reality. On the construction of Reality and Virtual Worlds, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt am Main, DE

Atlas des déplacements, Musée Hébert, Grenoble, FR



The Collector House, Unlimited - Art Basel, Basel, CH

No Place like Home, Sammlung Goetz, Munich, DE



Kochi Muziris Biennale, Biennale, Kochi, Kerala, IN

Uncanny Reality" – Models in Contemporary Art , Galerie Rudolfinum Praha, Czech Republic, CZ

Le Fil Rouge, Espace Louis Vuitton, Paris, FR

The Importance of Being… , Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana, CU

All the World’s a Stage. Works from the Goetz Collection, Fundacion Banco Santander, Madrid, ES

A Book of Burning Matches: collecting Installation Art Documents, Me-Collectors Room / Thomas Olbricht Foundation, Berlin, DE

Le Fil Rouge , Espace Louis Vuitton, Tokyo, JP

Kino der Kunst, Audimaxx of Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film , Munich, DE

In Alle Eenvoud…, museum De Mindere, Sint Truiden, BE

Glastress – Gotika, 56 th Venice Biennale of Art, Palazzo Franchetti, Venice, IT

Proportio, 56 th  Venice Biennale of Art, Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, IT



Museum to scale 1/7, The Naples Museum of Art, Naples, FL, USA and Kunsthal Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL

Donation Florence et Daniel Guerlain, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR

Family Matters, Strozzina, Centre for Contemporary Culture, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, IT

Days of Endless Time, Smithsonian’s  Hirshhorn Museum, Washington DC, US

Memory Place, Contemporary Arts Center CAC, Cincinnnati , US

L'auditorium des musées de la ville Strasbourg, Strasbourg, FR



Dance, permanent installation at Red Star Line Museum, Antwerp, BE

Contemporary Future, C.A.B. (Contemporary Art Brussels), Bank Degroof, Brussels, BE

Bon travail, Argos, Brussels, BE



Fantastic. Lille3000, Euratechnologies, Lille, FR

Vanitas. Contemporary Reflections, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, RU

Predicting memories, Former K.K. Telegrafenamt, Vienna, AT

About Stupidity, curated by Doreet LeVitte Harten and Diana Dallal, Petach Tikva Museum of Art, Petach Tikva, IL

Auf Leben und Tod. Der Mensch in Malerei und Fotografie (Do or die. The Human Condition in Painting and Photography), Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden, DE

Into the Labyrinth, Garage Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL

Beaufort 04, Location (8), Bommenvrij, Nieuwpoort, BE

Video Selecta, LOOP, Banco Herrero, Oviedo, ES

Apo-calypse,  Clarens – Montreux, CH

Contour On Tour, De Loketten, Brussels, BE

Habita(n)t, Rabo Kunstzone, Utrecht, NL

Resonance & Silence, Haus der Kunst, Munich, DE

Pop Up, Musée d’Ixelles, Ixelles, BE

MärklinWorld, Kunsthal KAdE, Amersfoort, NL

Surreal, IVAM, Valencia, ES

Dessiner-Tracer: Watercolors, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Calais, Calais FR

The Eye of the Collector. Video works from the Collection Manuel de Santaren, MAMbo – Villa delle Rose, Bologna, IT

Of Bridges & Borders. From Real to Surreal, MAMBA Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, AR

Lightness?, Maison Particulière, Brussels, BE



Surreal, IVAM, Valencia, ES

Dessiner-Tracer: Watercolors, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Calais, Calais, FR

Chengdu Biennale - Changing Vistas: Creative Duration, East Chengdu Music Park, Chengdu, CN

Kunsthal KAdE, Amersfoort, NL

Small, Medium, Large, Donjon de Vez, Vez, FR

Sleeping Beauties, Gaasbeek Castle, Gaasbeek, BE

One of a Thousand Ways to Defeat Entropy, Biennale di Venezia, Arsenale Novissimo, Venice, IT

TRA. Edge of Becoming, Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, IT

Time and Place, Kunsthalle Detroit, US

Drawing Room. Video animati dalla scena artistica internazionale, Centro per l'arte contemporanea EX3, Florence, IT

CAR CULTURE. Media of Mobility, ZKM | Media Museum, Karlsruhe, DE

I promise to love you. Caldic Collectie, Kunsthal, Rotterdam, NL

Things are Queer – Highlights from the UniCredit Collection, Marta Herford, DE

Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow, Hidde Van Seggelen Gallery, London, UK

Our house in the middle of our street, Maison des Arts, Malakoff, FR

Art Belge Contemporain, Sofia Art Gallery, Sofia, BG

Foto (=) Kunst, Museum Het Valkhof, Nijmegen, NL

Rencontres Internationales, Festival, Reina Sofia and Tabacelara, Madrid, ES

VIDEOEX. Experimental Film & Video Festival, Festivalkino Cinema Z3, Zurich, CH



PastPresentFuture – Highlights from the UniCredit Group Collection, Centro Culturale Yapı Kredi, Istanbul, TR

Sphères 3 2010, Galleria Continua / Le Moulin, Boissy-le-Chatel, FR

Entre glace et neige. Processi ed energie della natura, Centro Saint Benin, Aosta, IT

Aichi Triennale 2010. Arts and Cities (Aichi), Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Aichi, JP

Terre Vulnerabili, Hangar Bicocca, Milan, IT

Panorama #12, Le Fresnoy, Tourcoing, FR

Vexations, Beton 7, Athens, GR

Contemporary artifices and Baroque deformities, ARCOS, Benevento, IT

Rencontres Internationales, La Tabacalera, Madrid, ES

Do or Die. The Human Condition in Painting and Photography, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud (in cooperation with the Collection Teutloff), Cologne, DE

Remote Viewing, Arts Santa Monica, Barcelona, ES



Spheres 2009, Galleria Continua / Le Moulin, Boissy-le-Châtel, FR

Le sort probable de l'homme qui avait avalé le fantôme, La Conciergerie, Paris, FR

Fantastic Illusions, Arts Center Buda, Kortrijk, BE

Hans Op de Beeck. A selection of video works, Tokyo eat - Palais de Tokyo, Paris, FR

Pittoresk - Neue Perspektiven auf das Landschaftsbild, MARTa Herford, Herford, DE

M1 Singapore Fringe Festival 2010, The Chapel Gallery, SG

In-Finitum, Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, IT

Conflicting Tales - The Burger Collection in Berlin, Zimmerstrasse 90-91, Berlin, DE

Solo al buio, Mercati di Traiano, Roma, IT

Argos – Open lunge, Villa Merkel, Esslingen am Neckar, DE

Discovering Slowness, CEAC - Chinese European Art Centre, Xiamen, CN

A Story of the Image, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai; National Museum of Singapore, SG

State/s of emergency (DEEP NORTH - transmediale.09), House of World Cultures, Berlin, DE

KunstFilmBiennale 2007 on tour, KunstWerke, Berlin, Germany; Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain; Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR

Auto. Dream and Matter, Dos de Mayo Art Center, Madrid, ES

It's our Earth II. From Kyoto to Copenhagen, Tour & Taxis, Brussels, BE



SCHUNCK Collectors House, Glaspaleis, Heerlen, NL

It’s Our Earth!, Tour & Taxis, Brussels, BE


Singapore Biennale 2008: Wonder, SG

nach/sichten - Selected works from the Goetz Collection, Oldenburg, DE

Elektronenströme: Psychogeographie, Videonale im Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonn, DE

ACADEMIA Qui es-tu?, Chapelle de l’Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, FR


Le temps sensible - Video des monats, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, AT

Location (5), Permanent installation, Towada Art Center, Towada, JP

Car Culture, Scottsdale Museum of Contemporany Art, Arizona, US

Arrivals and Departures, White Box, New York, US

Le Dessin Eveillé, Frac Picardie & Maison de la Culture, Amiens, FR

Du dessin à l’animation du dess(e)in, Centre Wallonie-bruxelles, Paris, FR

Wandering in Contemporary Video art, Magazzini del Sale - Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, IT

Doing it my way. Perspectives on Belgian Art, Museum Küppersmühle für Moderne Kunst, Duisburg, DE

No Place - like Home. Perspectives on Migration and Europe, argos, Brussels, BE

Garden Eden - the garden in art since 1900, Städtische Galerie Bietigheim-Bissingen, Bietigheim-Bissingen; Kunsthalle in Emden, Emden, DE

Variable Capital, Bluecoat Arts Centre, Liverpool, UK

VIVA Festival, MoCA, Shanghai, CN



Ouverture, Galleria Continua / Le Moulin, Boissy-le-Châtel, FR

La città che sale. We try to build the future, Arcos, Benevento; MACRO Future, Rome, IT

The Leading Thread, CAB, Centro de Arte Caja de Burgos, Burgos, ES

Our Magic Hour, Arario Gallery, Seoul, KR

Animated Stories, Le Fresnoy - Studio National des Arts Contemporain, Tourcoing, FR

Rekalde, Bilbao, and  CaixaForum, Barcelona, ES

De gustibus..., Broelmuseum, Kortrijk, BE

Imagination Becomes Reality (# 6), ZKM, Karlsruhe, DE

Dealing with Reality, Museum of Modern Art, Arnhem, The NL

Art Summer University, four day long video art event, Tate Modern, London, UK



Art Video Lounge (Curatorial Programme), Art Basel - Miami Beach, Miami, US

6th Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, CN

Analog Animation/ Selections Spring 2006, The Drawing Center, New York, US

COLLECTION XIV, MuHKA, Museum of Contemporary Art, Antwerp, BE

Zwischen Körper und Objekt, MARTa Herford, Herford, DE

Fresh! Contemporary Takes on Nature and Allegory, Museum of Glass, Tacoma, Washington, US

The Scarecrow, Evangelos Averoff Museum, Metsovo, GR

À la recherche d’une beauté perdue, Galleria Comunale d’Arte Contemporanea, Monfalcone, IT

Version Animé - Biennale des nouveaux medias, Centre pour l’image contemporaine, Saint - Gervais, Genève, CH

Twice Drawn, Tang, Saratoga Springs, New York, US

18:Beckett, Blackwood Gallery (UTM), Mississauga, CA

Rencontres Internationales, different venues, Paris, FR

Digital Tales, CGAC, Santiago de Compostela, ES



The MARTa Herford Collection, MARTa Herford, Herford, DE

Night Sites, Kunstverein Hannover, Hanover, DE

Visionary Belgium, BOZAR, Brussels, BE

Wasteland: 21st Century Landscape, Roebling Hall, New York, US

Terra Infirma, EACC, Espai d’Art Contemporani de Castelló, Castelló, ES

Nous le passage, Watou, BE

En Attente, Casino Luxembourg - forum d’art contemporain, LU

KO Video - 1st Durban Video Festival, Durban, ZA

Senza Confine (15th Year), Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT

Argos Festival, Argos, Brussels, BE



On Paper, Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, Chelsea, New York, US

Border, In Flanders’ Fields Museum, Ieper, BE

Brooklyn EUphoria, Volume, Williamsburg, Brooklyn New York, US

All that useless beauty, Whitechapel, Project Space, London, UK

Voodoo Shit, Hales Gallery, London, UK

100 % Acid Free, White Columns, New York, US



Breaking Away, P.S.1 studio program artists 2002 - 2003, PS1 - MoMA, New York, US

Gelijk het leven is, S.M.A.K. Museum of Contemporary Art, Ghent, BE

Leere X Vision. Körper und Gegenstände, MARTa Herford, Herford, DE

Rijksakademie, Victoria Miro Gallery, London, UK

Critique is not enough, Shedhalle, Zurich, CH

City Mouse / Country Mouse, Space 101, Williamsburg, New York, US

The Ambiguity of the Image, Art Athinai, Athens, GR

Entdecke die Möglichkeiten, Espaces de rêve, Cologne, DE

Intervallo n°1 : Maloberti, Onofre, Op de Beeck, VistaMare, Pescara, IT

Some Panoramas, Pump House Gallery, London, UK

Still / Move, Caermersklooster, Ghent, BE

Lautloses Irren - Ways of worldmaking to..., Postbahnhof Am Ostbahnhof, Belin, DE

Once Upon a Time... A view on art in Belgium in the 90’s, MuHKA, Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp, Antwerp, BE



BIG Torino 2002, International Biennale of Young Art, Big Social Game, Torino, IT

Not I, Beckett as a point of reference, NICC Antwerp, BE

Other than film, International Film Festival of Rotterdam, TENT, Rotterdam, NL

Video Festival Verbania, C.A.L.C., Verbania, IT

Scale, Museum of Installation, London, UK

La Nuova Agorà, Cittadellarte / Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella, IT

Printemps de Septembre, Festival in Toulouse, FR

Arsenal/ Armoury, Wandelhalle, Cologne, DE



C’est beau, c’est Belge, Barbara Farber Gallery, Trets, FR

Still/ life, hARTware projekte, Dortmund, DE

Nowaday, Spazio Erasmus Brera, IT

Aubette, Museum Dhondt - Dhaenens, Deurle, DE

Prix Jeune Peinture Belge, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, BE



Lovideo, The Vedanta Gallery, Chicago, ILL, US

Not I, The Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast, UK

Anno Zero - Cittadellarte 2000, Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella, IT

Home Wrecker, Private Space Meloche, Chicago, ILL, US



Progetto Arti Incontri, Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella, IT

TroubleSpot. Painting, MUHKA & NICC, Antwerp, BE

“消失”,常青画廊展览现场,北京,2023. 摄影:Da Yu

“消失”,常青画廊展览现场,北京,2023. 摄影:Da Yu

“消失”,常青画廊展览现场,北京,2023. 摄影:Da Yu

“入梦” Sognare展览现场,罗马瑞吉酒店,2022. 摄影:Giorgio Benni

梦” Sognare展览现场,罗马瑞吉酒店,2022. 摄影:Giorgio Benni

梦” Sognare展览现场,罗马瑞吉酒店,2022. 摄影:Giorgio Benni

《女孩,沉睡Girl, asleep,2021,木材、聚酯、金属、聚酰胺、涂层,78 x 36 x 41厘米。摄影:汉斯·欧普·德·贝克工作室

《手势(蒲公英时钟)Gesture (dandelion clock),2022,聚酯、聚酰胺、丝绸、金属线、涂层,21 x 14 x 53厘米,8.26 x 5.51 x 20.86英寸。摄影:艺术家

舞者(小版)(青铜)Dancer (small version) (bronze),2021,青铜、钢、涂层,153 x 65 x 65厘米,60.23 x 25.59 x 25.59英寸。摄影:Ela Bialkowska, OKNO Studio


舞者(小版)(青铜)Dancer (small version) (bronze),2021,青铜、钢、涂层,153 x 65 x 65厘米,60.23 x 25.59 x 25.59英寸。摄影:Ela Bialkowska, OKNO Studio

舞者(小版)(青铜)Dancer (small version) (bronze),2021,青铜、钢、涂层,153 x 65 x 65厘米,60.23 x 25.59 x 25.59英寸。摄影:Ela Bialkowska, OKNO Studio

《骑士The Horseman,2020,聚酯、钢、聚酰胺、黄铜、涂层,243 x 194 x 92厘米,95.66 x 76.38 x 36.22英寸。摄影:艺术家工作室

《骑士The Horseman,2020,聚酯、钢、聚酰胺、黄铜、涂层,243 x 194 x 92厘米,95.66 x 76.38 x 36.22英寸。摄影:艺术家工作室

“船夫和其它的故事” 2021,常青画廊展览现场,圣吉米那诺。摄影:Ela Bialkowska,OKNO工作室

《船夫》 2020,聚酯、钢、木材、MDF、环氧树脂、玻璃纤维、聚酰胺、合成石膏、涂层、芦苇、玻璃、PA、橡胶、竹子,180 x 400 x 400厘米,70.86 x 157.48 x 157.48英寸。摄影:Ela Bialkowska,OKNO工作室


“船夫和其它的故事” 2021,常青画廊展览现场,圣吉米那诺。摄影:Ela Bialkowska,OKNO工作室

《瓦尼塔斯XL》 2021,聚酯、聚氨酯、金属、聚酰胺、涂层,290 x 250 x 250厘米,114.73 x 98.42 x 98.42英寸(约)。摄影:Ela Bialkowska,OKNO工作室

《百合Lily,2020,聚酯、钢、聚酰胺、涂层,180 x 39 x 39厘米,70.86 x 15.35 x 15.35英寸。摄影:艺术家工作室

《百合Lily,2020,聚酯、钢、聚酰胺、涂层,180 x 39 x 39厘米,70.86 x 15.35 x 15.35英寸。摄影:艺术家工作室

《悬崖(墙上作品)The Cliff (wall piece),2019,聚酯、钢、涂层,230 x 116 x 212厘米,90.55 x 45.66 x 83.46英寸。摄影:艺术家工作室

《狗(青铜)Dog (bronze),2019,青铜、涂层,62 x 37 x 13厘米,14.56 x 24.40 x 5.11英寸。摄影:艺术家工作室

《妈妈和爸爸Mum and Dad,2019,聚酯纤维、木材、涂层,165 x 42 x 42厘米,64.96 x 16.53 x 16.53英寸。摄影:艺术家工作室

My bed a raft, the room the sea, and then I laughed some gloom in me 2019, 聚酯、聚氨酯、钢、聚酰胺、环氧树脂、木材、涂层,400 x 400 x 114厘米。照片:摄影:艺术家工作室

Wunderkammer (2),2018,木材、玻璃、钢、聚酰胺、涂层、混合介质,120 x 41 x 216.5厘米。摄影:艺术家工作室

Timo,2018,聚酯、金属、木材、涂层、石膏,80 x 50 x 150厘米。摄影:艺术家工作室

《花树(4)Blossom Tree (4),2018,钢、混凝土、聚氨酯、聚酯、环氧树脂、涂层,147 x 153 x 265厘米

收藏家之家The Collector’s House,2016,雕塑装置:涂层木材、涂层聚酯、着色石膏、聚氨酯、金属、玻璃,20 x 12.5 x 4米。摄影:艺术家工作室

收藏家之家The Collector’s House,2016,雕塑装置:涂层木材、涂层聚酯、着色石膏、聚氨酯、金属、玻璃,20 x 12.5 x 4米。摄影:艺术家工作室

收藏家之家The Collector’s House,2016,雕塑装置:涂层木材、涂层聚酯、着色石膏、聚氨酯、金属、玻璃,20 x 12.5 x 4米。摄影:艺术家工作室

The Thread,2015,完整HD视频,有声,15分30秒

《舞台外观(森林)》Staged Exterior (forest),2014,摄影,160 x 120 x 4.1厘米

《池塘(圆200)》Pond (circular 200) ,2013,玻璃、木材、聚酯、聚酰胺、涂层,15 x 200 x 200厘米。摄影:Ela Bialkowska

《定居点》The Settlement,2013,安装雕塑: 木材、综合材料,摄影:艺术家工作室

《位置(7)(摄影)》Location (7) (photo),2012,Lambda打印、安装在Dibond背面、木制框架,187.2 x 115.7 x 4.2厘米



《宁静之海》Sea of Tranquillity,2010,全HD视频,彩色、有声,29'50"

《位置(6)》Location (6),2008,雕塑装置、混合媒体,直径18米 x 高度4米

《位置(6)》Location (6),2008,雕塑装置、混合媒体,直径18米 x 高度4米,摄影:Oak Taylor-Smith

《位置(6)》Location (6),2008,雕塑装置、混合媒体,直径18米 x 高度4米,摄影:Oak Taylor-Smith






